You know youre a good grower when...


Well-Known Member
-When a friend takes 1 hit, coughs so hard he damn near throws-up, and announces he's done.
-You know when to water by the weight of your containers.
-You know how much lime to toss into straight peat to properly correct ph...without using a measuring device.
-You can clone any strain w/o fail.
-Your leaves are always the proper shade of green, and have a slight v-shape(prayer mode).


Well-Known Member
You roll and pass a joint at a party with acqaintances and listen to everyone comment positively on it while asking where they can get some.


Well-Known Member
^^^ What's up with these new members just quoting posts? This some sort of spam?

Same post was copied by another new member a few pages back. :-?
They're too baked to understand and/or comprehend that they aren't even quoting the original?


Well-Known Member
when some of your friends ask you if you
have something (weed) not as strong as the last
they got from you....