Yoga Class in San Francisco Combines Marijuana with Downward Dogs

Dat Dank

Active Member

Yoga classes in San Francisco just went to a "higher level".

According to reports, Ganja Yoga is becoming the latest trend in a South of Market studio, where warrior ones and downward dogs are being combined with hits off a joint or vape pen.

Being the first of it's kind to openly embrace "marijuana yoga classes" in the Bay Area, instructor Dee Dussault allows students "as much or as little" marijuana as they want throughout their practice, starting with her original pose, rightfully deemed as the Wake-N- Bake. During Wake-N-Bake students are led into a complimentary 15 minute candle-lit smoke session prior to yoga engagement, where students "enjoy trippy relaxation, pain-relief, sensuality, and the cultivation of inner peace."

Even with the emerging acceptance of marijuana legalization, there is still skepticism in the yoga community regarding marijuana. Many yoga teachers still believe that there is little to no use for marijuana, and that yogis should not include marijuana in their practice.

Advocates such as Dussault on the other hand, claim that cannabis has a proven healing ability and can help her students reach higher levels of intuition and enlightenment, while engaging in the practice.

Regardless of the sentiment, Dussaut continues to draw marijuana advocates and yogis alike to her practice; some for the accepted wax vape pen hits in between warrior twos, and some for the actual practice.

As one student puts it, "this is the only way you'd get me to do yoga."
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