Yield Nutrients, personal favorite..


Well-Known Member
Originally was using Advanced Nutrients line Sensi Grow/Bloom A+B, using Big Bud, had decent success a couple grows. Now doing hydro instead of soil and using General Hydroponics Expert Recercuilating Flora series.. using liquid Kool Bloom. Excited to see the yield I'll see on this set up. Been reading a lot about the powder Kool Bloom doing wonders.. thoughts?

What are you using and what's your favorite?

bryan oconner

Well-Known Member
mg plant food 7 bucks a bottle treats 500 gallons . https://www.google.com/shopping/product/6184242549273392451?lsf=seller:8740,store:10093220225667139136&prds=oid:18125056643821262396&q=miracle+gro+plant+food+liquid&hl=en&mid=sNzC2GoVJ|dc_mtid_8903jx325196_pcrid_117585673888_pkw__pmt__product_100013303_slid_&lsft=gclid:Cj0KEQjwvIO_BRDt27qG3YX0w4wBEiQAsGu3eWmqXA-hUkiaRbHj3CvNUu88wCKXgg5DeZHvO6QkoKAaAvC88P8HAQ
think im kidding i compared it to heavy 16 . advance line up . beastie blooms . earth juice .dyna grow . . eds hydroponics . general hydroponics . and about every cheap nutrient . currently i am using this for veg and flower with the most healthy plants i have ever had . i know you think i am new of totally full of shit . buy a bottle and compare it to your $500 line up . 1 teaspoon per gallon feed ever watering from veg to flush . . ( HES FULL OF SHIT ) i can already hear you thinking .