

Active Member
Hello. I have 4 plants 4.5 weeks in harvest. They are Grand Daddy Purp from clones from the same mother. One of the plants is deficient though. In the beginning veg cycle it grew way slower than the others. When the others doubled in size and it stayed small I remembrred phosphorous deficiency causes stunted growth. Added Kool Bloom powder a little and it caught up to the others in size very quickly. However.. now the nodes are waaaaay tighter and the plant has had the same yellowing problem since it started veging. I have tried adding almost every element just to be sure.. It's feed is the lucas formula with cal/mag+, silica blast, kool bloom, sea green, orca and Sweet. The other 3 have had no problems the entire time and are very green. The pic of the whole crop shows some tops yellowed.. that is all that one early stunted plant.


They are deep water culture. ph is 5.8 ppm started at 600 and is now 1500. They seem to love it. Also the yellowing one has weird new leaf structure at new growth.. Almost thought it was hermie until very close look.


Active Member
I have tried upping the micro, upping cal/mag+, I spray with sea weed (nitrogen) and tru blooms. I use humic acid in nutrients to help uptake of secondary nutrients. Yellowing is on top. Not bottom.


Active Member
Could be. But I tried the extra micro a while ago. Now the nutes in it are normal. I tried all the remedies earlier on. Including extra iron with everything else normal and it didn't fix. :( I haven't sprayed or put epsom salt in the nutrients. But that's kinda like mag huh? Tried mag already.