

Active Member
Slowly and surley s.h.i.n.m's* (someone who is not me) plant has been turning brownish and drying up. The plants bottom leaves are developing browning blotches on the leaves and slowly killing those single leaves.

he cut off both the bottom fan leaves because they were perdy much dead, now it has started to rise up to the next set of

i might wanna mention that its a pretty stretched out plant cuz normal house lights were used for the first week or so

wut should s.h.i.n.m do?


Well-Known Member
I'm having the same problem, though I am growing outdoors. My fan leaves aren't yellow, but the single leaves of the first node are becomming yellow. Anyone have an answer?


Active Member
Yes this could be a big problem !!! But it might not be that bad . If it is just at the bottom its probally just the sun leaves giving the flowers the nutes they need. The bottom leaves are really no prob. They need to come off anyways to let light to come in to the lower flowers. If It starts to happen all the up thats when you should really freak out.. Like hazey said to ph is very important so you should always keep up with that. A very cheap tool to save you alot of money... Good luck my friend.

Lamafia ck

New Member
a simular thing happend to my plant just half of one leav started to turn yellow so i stopd the nutes just fed pure water for 2 days then i went back to nutes but i reduce the amont,in about 3 days the leav turnd back to normal
in your case ur not feeding nutes ur ph is prob higher than 6.5
and your plants are way too small to flower they wont hold the budd


Well-Known Member
can you tell my why they are in flowering? they still look like they are fucking seedlings. transplant those things into something where they can get some fuckin root growth...


Well-Known Member
dude they're way too small to be put into flower, you'll just end up killing the plant.
sorry to say, but you're probably gena have to wait for them to become more mature.
i know its hard, but its worth it!
peace bongsmilie

Lamafia ck

New Member
do this- clone it make sure that the clone is a female then star everything over with the clones
get bigger pots,pure water,nice light system,good nutes,and do a reasearch of wat u want to acomplish and u'll b alset


Active Member
remember that ph is adversley affected by food,(at any fish store you can buy a ph test kit) so, get ph up and down too. As well yellowing is often a sign of nitrogen deficiency. Generally run a (nitrogen-phosphorous-pottasium)30-10-10 mixture in your veg stage and a 15-52-15 in your bud stage , dont over water. Once a week and straight ph'd water in between feedings half water? Acidic water is what marijuana plants need, water out of the tap tends to be more alkiline. 6-6.3 is best root and photosynthesis uptake intake. Otherwise looks good, 450 watt hps on that will help large too.


Active Member
k guys, thanx, i can't really do some of these suggestions due to being 15 and no money. i had a successful grow already but this isn't doing to well, theres a bud pic of my first grow in my avy.I did move them to bigger pots though, and i'll see what happens