yellowing? Possible Mag Def.


Active Member
Pics explain the plant. The heads in question would be thr main top on the plant once I checked the stems underneath. Rest of thr plant looks good. I'm assuming that it is a Mag deficiency, looks like a previous one I had. It is very slowly progressing. But that burn showed up almost overnight, didn't notice it till now and I've been watching that area closely to look for progression. I'm gonna start adding more epsom. Not fretting too much because it's only on this one part of thr plant. But it could move so I wanna tackle it. While canopy pic is for comparison to show healthy growth otherwise.

I think it may be a ockout instead of a deficiency. Because the other plant of the same age is much more d3veloped. But that could be strain related. Just a random ramble. Strain is white widow freebie from SOS.



Well-Known Member
I mean it doesn't really look that bad I wouldn't be that bothered. If you think its a lockout rather than def blates better to flush than add more epsoms no? I'd probably flush and foliar the cal mag or epsoms or whatever but I'm not sure if you're even asking a question lol?


Active Member
I have had salt buildup before it was different and went really fast, but started at the bottom. I guess I'll just watch to see if progression keeps up. If so, I'll try and fix.thanks for the time, useless thread, my bad.