Yellowing Plants


Active Member
just got home after leaving the plants for the weeknd. before i left one was suffering from overwatering and possibly rootbound. i transplanted and left without water for 3 days. 2 ak47s under a 400 HPS in a 8 sq foor closet with temperatures around 80F. is this just from the lack fo water for a few days or something else? i use reverse-osmosis water and add a bit of schultz all-purpose plant food for flowering plants.

any ideas?


buggs bunny

Well-Known Member
just dont over water or you might give the plants to much ferts from the soil,don't use shultzs get a good organ fert at grw shp.its under fert looking to me or malg or cal diffecientcie add one t able spoon of dolomite lime to the soil


Well-Known Member
I would say Mag, but could be both. I think Dolomite lime takes a long while to work, why not just get a 8$ bottle of cal-mag. Best money I ever spent

buggs bunny

Well-Known Member
get a well rounded one with all micro nutes in it

i use a brand called old grows specificly for soil grows not hydro they sell a veg and one for flowering