Yellowing On Fan Leaves And Brown Spots

Ok so ive notived today that 1 of my plants has went funny on me....the fan leaves are going yellow and brown spots appearing on the upper leaves :( gutted

Was reading the other threads on this problem and it seems to be pointing towards PH levels too low and causeing lock-out

So what im looking to find out is how to get my PH levels back to a suitable level and how to do it safely without damaging them further

No pics sorry as i dont have a digi camera


Active Member
so first you need a ph meter you can buy cheap ones for like 2.00 at home depot ( i buy all mine at hydro store) test your water 1st see what # it is then buy some ph up or ph down which ever is needed add to water re test till its in a good range i like 6.5 ten flush your girls ( flush with 3 gal to every 1 gal of soil) then always keep your water ph'd :) good luck!!
Ok so my babies are in 20L planters so it shall be 12 gallons of water all at the one watering or over a peroid of hours?

Ill get the PH kit first thing in the you read the PH of the soil aswell as the water used for watering/feeding etc


Active Member
give them time they may suppprise you :) add a little vit b for stress 1/4 tsp per gal phd water, yes i check my soil ph after its watered. because it is no good to have ph'd water if soil is out of wack too. Sorry should of thought to tell you that also. just dont play with them to much maybe filter the light a little they may recover ive killed mine before and they came back! they are a weed ya know lol :) good luck!!
Well im using tap water which is about 7.6-8.0 PH natural....but i then leave it in open air for 48hrs and it it balances out to a neutral 7.0

However im thinking it maybe be a problem with the BioSevia Bloom that im using as when i added it to the water to test the PH it was sitting between 5.8 and Bud Candy is PH neutral so it cant be that

I dont have an electronic PH measuring using a test tube and PH test liquid drips

How can i test the PH of my soil without the electronic device...HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

fred flintstoned

Well-Known Member
Are you talking about soil or a soil less mix like Promix. 6.5-7.5 is good for soil. 5.8-6.5 is better for Promix. Test the runoff after a good drenching. This will give you an indication of the soil Ph.
I think ive given up and just going to scrap thr grow...i really dont have a clue on how too fix the PH levels

My BioSevia Bloom is virtually PH neutral,my Bud Candy is PH neutral and the water is testing at neutral too

so im guessing ive locked the roots or whatever its called and im lost as how to fix if it dont improve in the next 48 hrs they are for the chop and out with the trash


Well-Known Member
I think ive given up and just going to scrap thr grow...i really dont have a clue on how too fix the PH levels

My BioSevia Bloom is virtually PH neutral,my Bud Candy is PH neutral and the water is testing at neutral too

so im guessing ive locked the roots or whatever its called and im lost as how to fix if it dont improve in the next 48 hrs they are for the chop and out with the trash
giving up so soon ?
I dont really want too give up on them but im struggling to take all the info in that im reading and turn it into practical sense...ive never done outdoor gardening never mind indoor stuff

tonight is the end of the 3rd week in flower

The yellowing of the leaves has spread through 2 out of the 3 plants,it started from the bottom and is now working its way up....the other is lush green and looking fine

All 3 have been watered/fed etc at the same time and the same amounts each time and everytime

I suppose i should have tried to learn more before i dived into a grow

BTW they are White Widow and were looking fantastic until a few days ago

Might be coincidence but i topped up the planters with a cocomix on Friday...but they had originally been planted in allmix soil with perlite...could this have led to the problems im facing?


Active Member
if you ar truly truthing
if your ph is good
if your soil ph is good
if your leaves aren't burnt to a crisp
do you have a grow/veg nute?
feed it the veg nute instead of the flower nute one time and be amazed at the magical results

also - i dint c - if ur using ro or similar water, possibly a cal/mag add would be good too


Active Member
i was gonna say add some nitrogen, this happens durring flower when the leaves yellow due to the flowering nutes. add some bat guano if you dont have veg nute not too much id say half dose for a few days then 1 time a week. are your leaves burnt? the tips? the edges? or just yellowing?
if you ar truly truthing
if your ph is good
Well i checked up on the PH levels of thes nutes last night and the website states that the ph level of the nutes is virtually neutral,as is the bud using tap water which from tap is PH 8.0'ish but i leave in open containers for 24/48hrs too let it settle out

if your soil ph is good
This i havent tested as i didnt know how to do it witout the electric PH device

if your leaves aren't burnt to a crisp
No burnt leaves at all....they are going yellow with the brown spots but soft and droppy rather than crispy

do you have a grow/veg nute?
Yeah i still have both the BioSevia Grow and BioSevia Bloom

feed it the veg nute instead of the flower nute one time and be amazed at the magical results

also - i dint c - if ur using ro or similar water, possibly a cal/mag add would be good too
Would this cure a lockout though if thisis the problem or are all the indicators pointing towards an N deficiency?

Apologies for being so clueless on all of this but im struggling to decipher what im reading from the technical jargon as most of the terms are alien to my vocabulary being a 1st time gardenener never mind MJ grower
had the same problem it was a nitrogen/mag deff , i repotted intofresh soil and just gave it water it bounced bk in a week
Few questions for you

1. Isnt re-potting a hard thing to do properly?

1b. My plants were originally in an all mix soil and perlite mix and i only have a 50L bag of cocmix with no perlite,can i re-pot into the cocomix without perlite or should i purchase more of the original mix i used?

2. Can i sort out the Nitrogen or magnessium deficiency without repotting?

all help appreciated here

Oh and this morning ive just gave each 20L planter 1.5l of nutes and no bud candy
Just back from watering and lights on and i have notices some burning to the tips of the leaves nearer the top of the plant :(

Using a 600w HPS light which is 12-18" from the top of the plants....cant raise the lights any higher now


Active Member
Just back from watering and lights on and i have notices some burning to the tips of the leaves nearer the top of the plant :(

Using a 600w HPS light which is 12-18" from the top of the plants....cant raise the lights any higher now
are the brown spots rusty or just light brown? i would keep them at 18 till u fix the problem,also do u have good drainage? could be a build up of nutes mayby if the tips are turning brown.i would try to just give it cal/mag if they r rusty spots,i use a 1/4 gallon of tap sumtimes cuz it has cal in it but i let it sit out first the cal/mag would b better tho, u dont have to repot i was repotting soon any ways thats y i did it,and i always under feed a lil cuz its alott easier to fix then over feeding

fred flintstoned

Well-Known Member
Flush them thoroughly. Always the first step. Start to feed at half strength for a week or so. If it shows no sign of tip burn, up it 20% at two weeks. Get the Ph under control and your problems should fade away. Check the Ph of run off when you feed. This will give you a good indication of the soil Ph. This should change slowly as you continue to apply proper Ph feed/water.

Well guys i finally got round to some pics....

My 3 babies are White allmix soil/perlite in 20L Planters with the numerous cone shaped holes on the outer circumference....i let them feed of the nuits in the soil for the first 10 days then started with BioSevia Grow until the end of week 4...till this stage they were under 250w HPS lighting on a 24hr light on routine

I then switched to 12/12 on the lighting and upped the bulb and ballast too 600w HPS and installed a larger fan.....for the first 2 weeks i used BioSevia bloom on its own....3rd week i purchased Bud Candy and switched the lighting to 11/13 which ill continue until week 3rd week the plants have recieved both BisoSevia Bloom and Bud is the start of the 4th week and these pictures are how my plants look as of 30 mins ago

All opinions welcome and pointers appreciated

Any opinions on how too fix the yellowing of the leaves from these pics.....would i be better flushing or adding some cal/mag to the soil?