Yellowing of Younger Leaves


Active Member
Rockwool, was pH'd proper - runoff matches the pH of the nutrient solution.

temps: 80, co2: 1200ppm, ~50watts of LED per sqft,

Iron deficiency, sulfur deficiency, or zinc deficiency?

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Bud Tipps

Well-Known Member
Probably zinc, but it looks like there's something else going on. Possibly a potassium problem.

What nutrient solution are you using?


Active Member
@MrStickyScissors I thought that was it, but the tips of some of the leaves are almost completely yellow.

@hells canyon genetics I didn't think copper as it's supposed to make the leaves darker.

@Bud Tipps Could be zinc I suppose, I'm leaning toward sulfur.

I'm using dynagrow foliage pro at 2.5mL per gallon. I'm also using a home made silica blast in replacement of Silicablast by making a solution with Agsil 16h. I'm trying out a calcium nitrate/magnesium nitrate calmag formula I did too. Same amounts I usually use except I normally add dry salts with epsom salt instead of magnesium nitrate.

I'm guessing either nute burn (I usually have started plants in soil until they're a foot tall before using this formula). Or Sulfur, as the epsom salt in the solution adds sulfur that I'm not getting with the diy calmag.

The potassium problem was part cloner and part I didn't water them too long.