yellowing leaves problem


Active Member
im in week 5 of flowering, and my leaves are turning yellow. I don't know what the problem is but I know its not good. it started off with yellow spots on the edge of the leaves, then turning the leaves fully yellow/brown, and now falling off. I gave them some cal-mag about 2 days ago and nothing has improved. I have this feeling I messed up and made the soil to acidic. I don't have a ph tester for the soil so I have no clue what the ph is. if anyone has some suggestions it would be great. im pretty sure the soil is to acidic tho. I was looking into solutions for acidic soil but im seeing that I shouldn't do anything and let them be because they are to far into flowering.


Well-Known Member
need a photo of leaves w/o the hps on . it could be mg , iron, nitrogen , or ph locout . it could also b end of life dieout as this can happen with some strains . did the leaf curl up or down ? start on bottom or top ? new growth or old fan leaves . so many variables that a photo can resolve .


Well-Known Member
Like pinkjackyle says A Picture would Help, and What kinda of Nutes you using? How much per feed? Have you change ANYTHING before this Problem arose? Also like ^^^^ says so many variables...Like how big are your Pots...IDK? but I think if You can upload a Pic with a few more details, somebody might be able to chime in.

Peace, Hope Ya sort?