Yellow under leaves, short stem, help?

Mother's Finest

Well-Known Member
You can adjust the pH downward with acids like lemon juice or vinegar. Imho you should use an alkaline fertilizer, garden lime or pH UP to adjust the pH the other way.

Fish Emulsion is slightly acidic. When mixed with pure water, the solution often ends up at near the correct pH for these plants without adjustment.


Active Member
The fish emulsion is 5-1-1 and it is mixed according to instructions with drinking (reverse osmosis) water.


that plant may recover but it will take too much time.
better start another seed if you have one and do not overwater this time :) no fertilizers for the first 2-3 weeks too.


Active Member
Well I have a reg plant going also and it looks great. But I also have a lemon diesel seed that we were going to start germinating soon. Speaking of germinating, I suggest using those little water beads that expand in water, they work so quick!


Well-Known Member
Kids kids kids! stop arguing lol. I'm living proof you should stick it out (proof in journal) My plants are 6 weeks old but should DEFINITELY be WAY bigger. Just gotta troubleshoot the probs man. My prob was a lighting issue, was using 4100k floro tubes, did some reasearch about 3 weeks in and found out those lights were prolly the worst idea in the history of ideas lol. Got some new lights, put them under the 1000w and they have quadrupled in size in 2 weeks. Just gotta learn from yer mistakes.

Yer plants leaves in that pic are suppose to turn yellow and die, specially if its been a month, those are the cotyledons, they supply the plant with what it needs to get started. But you seem to be having some other issues just hope it all works out for ya. I'm glad i stuck with it and didn't just scrub the operation cuz they weren't growing fast enough. :D


Active Member
Lol I guess that explains why they're the only leaves that are yellow. So since my plant is over 3 weeks old am I able to use the fish fert now? Is bat guano better? Should I change my light schedule?


Well-Known Member
dont change the light schedule, I wouldn't add nutes yet. Go grab some thrive alive or superthrive B1 and try that for a few waterings. See if that helps the poor little gal.


Active Member
Just looked at my light and it's 15w 120V Florescent tube light. I'm waiting till I have the spare 38 dollars to buy the 12" x 12" LED red/blue light fixture.


Well-Known Member
whats the spectrum? should say like 4100k, 3500k etc etc

EDIT: If it doesnt say, whats the brand? i'll look it up, let me know all the numbers and shiat on it too

Mother's Finest

Well-Known Member
Nutrient amounts go hand in hand with light levels so less light means they can make use of fewer nutrients. The size it is in the pics is exactly where we transplant seedlings from cups of inert seed starter soil into 3-liter containers of nutritious vegging soil. Undamaged, healthy plants should just start getting 1/2 strength ferts at that size.

Fish Emulsion is great stuff but it's a little on the harsher side, as far as organic ferts go. Alot of people don't give it to young plants but there's no problem using 1/2 strength when they're that size. Especially at half strength, it isn't a strong source of P or K. Your plant will need more P, at least, within about the next two waterings. Full strength feedings should be alternated with plain water. Whether 1/2 strength ones need to is debatable.

Mother's Finest

Well-Known Member
For your light schedule, roots grow fastest at night. As long as you want more root growth, continue having a dark period.


Well-Known Member
Nutrient amounts go hand in hand with light levels so less light means they can make use of fewer nutrients. The size it is in the pics is exactly where we transplant seedlings from cups of inert seed starter soil into 3-liter containers of nutritious vegging soil. Undamaged, healthy plants should just start getting 1/2 strength ferts at that size.

Fish Emulsion is great stuff but it's a little on the harsher side, as far as organic ferts go. Alot of people don't give it to young plants but there's no problem using 1/2 strength when they're that size. Especially at half strength, it isn't a strong source of P or K. Your plant will need more P, at least, within about the next two waterings. Full strength feedings should be alternated with plain water. Whether 1/2 strength ones need to is debatable.
Now see, i learned something new lol. I;m always scurred of adding nutes. Like, i'm putting off adding nutes to my plants for fear of doing it too soon. This guy seems to knwo whats up tho lol.


Well-Known Member
eek ya, thats kinda horrible, bout the same as i was using, gotta fix that, you said you was getting new lights, jump on that asap. Ill let mother answer the nute stuff and see if i learn something else lol.


Active Member
We have another light in a dome lamp, its a CFL true light. Like one of those curly bulbs that puts off natural sunlight with the blue and red tones. It is 26w (equal to 100w), and is 6500k. Would that be better to use?


Well-Known Member
Fo sho, put it under that beast! hehe, higher the color temp, aka spectrum, the better. You'll see some advancement fo sho under that light

Mother's Finest

Well-Known Member
Since you gave her a full dose last time, we'd just give her water once the soil starts drying out. Then at the following watering, give her a fertilizer that's high in Phosphorus. All of our P comes from solid ferts that either need to be mixed into the soil or made into teas to fertilize manually. 3-10-1 Bat Guano would make a good, mild tea for the little one. There are also a number of liquid organics that are pre-made teas which you could use with less effort.