Yellow spots


Well-Known Member
One of my NY Diesel plants has developed yellow spots on some of the leaves. What causes this? I am watering with RO water and feeding CaMg+ and Pro Grow veg nutes about 7mls per gallon. Plants are in soil and are almost ready for flower. Any help please??
From what I can find it looks like a mg deficiency. I will post up a pic later.


Well-Known Member
mkAY SO how old is the plant?What SIZE pot u got her in, yellows spots could be mag deff, but it could be from a deeper problem , ahka wrong soil check out your PH and please post more details mate, how often u water , soil?hydro?temp?etc......
WE NEED ALL DETAILS.... but from my own experience i would get yellow/orange spots in DWC when my ph was off on my older leaves but its easy to FIX


Well-Known Member
In soil in a 8 inch coco pot, just moved to a 3 gallon pot and put out to flower. Plant put into veg from a clone on 7/11 so a littler over a month. Soil is Kellogg and Ph of soil and water is 6.5, using RO water with CaMg+ and nutes. I was not using the CaMg+ for the first 4 weeks of veg and I ended up with purple stems. Temp while in veg was a stable 80-82 degrees, light on 24/24 under T5's. Only this one plant is effected by this. I also have a Pandora's Box and a Blue Dream both about a week younger and are both healthy and happy, also put into flower. Some of the older leaves on the NY Diesel are yellowing as well.


Well-Known Member
Anyone?? Now I have a Head Band in week 1 of veg that is going the same thing as the NY Diesel. Any help please.


Well-Known Member
Ok here is a pic of one of the plants, this one is a Head band that is doing the same thing as the NY Diesel. From what I can tell it is a ca or mg issue but I am dosing CaMg+, 2 tsp per gallon of water. The last to pics are another clone off the same Head Band plant same age in same conditions.
Please any help would be great. I am new at this so I dont know really what is going on. Most of my plants are doing very well only 2 look like this.


Well-Known Member
Yellow dots usually mean PH too high and those leaves look like they are lacking N has spider mites and powdery mildew


Well-Known Member
Ph is 6.5 in soil and water. No spider mites thats for sure or mildew although there are some little black fruit flies in the grow area. Temps are kept at 80. All clones came from sterile local grower and are second gen cloned in my grow. I am dosing 7mls of Botanicare Pure Blend Pro Grow per gallon of water along with the CaMg+ (650+-ppm) and water with this every other watering, the other watering is just RO water with 2 tsp/10mls of CaMg+.


Well-Known Member
They have had nute burn at some time. Burnt tips..Transplant tne worst one and see if it helps.


Well-Known Member
I have been under nuting them except for CaMg. I should be using about 15mls at the end of veg but I was only using 7-10mls. Only using 7 mls now on the Head Band plants since they are only in week 3 of veg and still young. So you think I was over feeding them?
7 ml's per gallon is WAY to much for those plants! Are you ph'ing before or after the nutes? I'd start flushing immediately.


Well-Known Member
Checking Ph before and after nutes, adding my nutes does not change the PH much at all. How is 7mls too much? The directions on the bottle and the guy at the local hydro store both say to be using 10-15mls at this point but I wanted to do less to make sure I did not over nute them. How much should a plant at the middle to end of veg be getting fed??? I will try flush the 2 unhappy plants for a few days.
I also have bee looking hardcore for spider mites and there is none at all. Like I said only bugs are a few harmless fruit flies which I am in the process of killing.


Well-Known Member
Dam not good. I do have spider mites. After some reading and looking up images on RIU it is for sure I have them!!!!!!! Not good. Going to the store right now to get some habenero peppers to make some caliclean. I think I caught this early enough that I dont have a major issue and mites are still young. Not all the plants are effected but I will treat all them just the same. Thanks for the help everyone, it made me look and question everything I was doing and seeing with my plants.


Well-Known Member
No I dont over water. I wait until either the leaves are a little droopy or the soil is dry at finger depth which is about every 2-3 days.
Thrips for sure where sucking my plants life blood. CaliClean works.