Yellow spots on my plants!!


New Member
This is my first grow and everything has been going pretty good without any problems until now. I want to start the flowering stage but I'm a little concerned as to why there are yellow spots on the leaves. I water them about twice a day and I don't use and nutrients or anything like that. I'm not sure if they are maybe root bound or over watered. Please help!!


Well-Known Member
over watered they should maybe get water twice a week let alone twice a day and post plant problems in the plant problem section


New Member
Thanks man! I only thought they needed more water because by the end of the day the soil is really dried and cracked.


New Member
Also need to post more info such as your grow medium, etc. Are you growing in soil? Coco based? What is your soil ph at? There's lots of places here to do be able to do a bit of research bud. :)

Also posting in the plant problems section would be better and pictures help out a lot. Best of luck! :)


Well-Known Member
You can't water by listening to others. They don't know your situation. If its very hot and especially if its also windy you will need to water much more often. It depends a lot on what your growing in. Smart pots suck up water extremely fast. The size of the plants have a lot to do with it also. I'm outdoors in a hot and very windy area and have to water usually everyday. My in ground plants take at least 5gal per watering. Experienced growers told me its very hard to overwater in ground plants. From what I seen so far they are absolutely right. You really need to learn to read your plants. When I was starting off I would let my plants go unwatered until I started to see signs of then starting to droop, then I would water. It helped get an idea of how often to water. Be careful though you don't want to stress them to much. You have to be able to keep a close eye on them to try that. Bottom line water when your plants need it.


Active Member
Check the underside of the leaves. Every time that I have seen spots on the leaves, it was mites. Flip the leaves over and look for little specs that move. Good luck