yellow fan leaves


Well-Known Member
the temp in my flower room dropped down to 54 degrees for a couple of days do you think that this would turn the leaves yellow.. :blsmoke: they are in the sixth to seventh week in the flower room. im watering every two to three days with 1 quart and the proper nutes, on directions. this is my second cycle the first one was fine but i didnt seem to get real high. im going to try and let them go for more than eight weeks------

heres my story. over the summer we were planting some sunflower plants and for the hell of it i just tossed some marijuana seeds down, didnt even try to take care of them. well a month or so goes by and i can notice 5 plants growing. I let them goes as long as possible but they were starting to get to big so i had to make a choice take a chance let them grow cut them or clone them so i cloned them set up a grow room and started growing. oh by the way all five plants were female, def a sign from god that i should start my own medication system. so anyway im not really sure if the strain is good or not but i usually only get good weed and why would i save shitty seeds anyway crazy how they all ended up female..


Well-Known Member
Morning Hollysmoke
OK let`s see here,fan leaves are supposed to yellow when the plant is close to maturity, your in the 6th or 7th week of flower and you plan to go 8 weeks....hhmmmm, I`d say its time to start flushing then.
You using chemical fert`s?


Well-Known Member
thanks for all the advise. im goiing to let these go like 75 days in the flower room ill start flushing with 14 days left. do you guys think that is long enough to flush?


Active Member
thats prity dam cool that they wer all females....but the temp might be the problom....or being the plants are cloned....iv never cloned plants, i dont even no how, but iv herd that cloned weed plants will die off somtimes....keep feeding like u are and dont change the ferdilizer...get the temp around 70-75 and it should be fine....