XML2 or CXA 2530?!


I am looking for a comparison between two. I am getting 20 x XML2 ww for 54usd. While only 4 CXA2530 can come under that price. So what would you guys recommend? 20xml2 or 4 cxa2530?


Well-Known Member
sounds like a banging deal on the xml2s. Both can achieve an excellent result in veg. If you intend to flower under this build, go with the cxa2530.

here is a shot of 10 xml2's running on an lpc60-1750 driver, just for kicks. xml2 1750ma.jpg


You use just these? I am going to flower/veg both with these lights. The foot print of the room is quite troublesome as it's an L shape area instead of a square. I have 2 more panels of 130W 5 bands LED lights too in there. The L shape area's footage is like 2' x 5' and 1.5' x 4'. The height is 12'.