
I'd just like to say I own the big three (xbox 360, ps3, wii).
I have gone through 6 (yeah 6) 360's, (4x red ring, e73,e74),
but everytime xbox fix the problem free of charge. The only thing that sucked is the downtime,
but xbox gave me free XBL gold membership for it.
the ps3 is used for DVD's(blue ray) and thats it. there game selection sucks as far as I concerned!!!
my wii is used when I have friends over, but mostly a dust collector

now, with all that said, I rock the xbox becouse they have games that I play (forza motorsports, halo and of course cod)

I cant wait for xbox 720/ phoenix(whatever there going to call it)


Well-Known Member
i was a beast at COD MW2 but havnt played for a while. How ironic my gamer tag is. Evil xWeedMaNx add me


Well-Known Member
add me :-P
EddiebestMC = Gamertag

i play battlefield bad company 2, sometimes MW2, always down for a good game of Madden with my BEARS,



Well-Known Member
i was a beast at COD MW2 but havnt played for a while. How ironic my gamer tag is. Evil xWeedMaNx add me
add me :-P
EddiebestMC = Gamertag

i play battlefield bad company 2, sometimes MW2, always down for a good game of Madden with my BEARS,

I have an xbox live gamer tag: Vintage Ale. I play Battlefield 2 and GTA if you're ever interested.
cool i added all of u my gamertag is same as on here howak47 i play battlefield2,mw2,cod4,blitz,ufc 09:peace:


Well-Known Member
has anybody seen the new xbox yet? looks crazy


however, i'm not sure if i'm down for the video games AND exercise :lol: I'll go to the gym for that...


Active Member
yo, i dunno if u guys are still adding people to the riu xbox live buddy list or not, but im on there. i'm usually playing MW2, Battlefield 1943 or Fall out3 - Hit me up my gamer tag is: MW2Elite