Xbox with Kinect vs Sony with move


Well-Known Member
Which is better a xbox with kinect or a ps3 with move? Has anyone played both? whats the diffrence which is more fun which has more potential.


Well-Known Member
I only have a Move but their good. More accurate then the Wii for sure. Only problem and thing that keeps me from recommending it is very few good games for it. After Heavy rain and about 6 matches of gladiator fights I havent touched it since.


Well-Known Member
kinect is wayyyy better. I was surprised how accurate it really was...



Active Member
Both are fucking stupid! Hahaha buy a wii if you wanna play games like that! Leave the good side (PS3/Xbox360/PC) of gaming alone.

I know that's a little close minded and I appologise, I'm just not into the motion capture side of gaming. And have wondered for a while if the industry would go in this direction, I hope it doesn't take away from the more serious games, or controler based games. Anyway, Sony and Xbox are just jumping on the bandwagon. From what I've read sales aren't going well for them.

Anyway, if you wanna look like a tit bouncing around in front of your TV it's all good! Hahaha

Seriously though, I have read and watched a few reviews about the kinnect and it has been rated fairly low(don't know about the Move). Problems with inaccuracy and lack of good games. I would maybe hold out to buy either and see if things don't get better. Because in the long run if the shit doesn't sell, no third party game companies will want to spend money making cool games, when they wont sell........


Active Member
«.kingcronic.»;4882482 said:
Kind of feel bad for the Wii. Getting beat at it's own game, now it has NOTHING.
I don't think Wii has been beaten at all!

Wii has out sold PS3 and Xbox360 for the last few financial years, and easily!

Move and Kinnect wont sell more than the Wii, I would be suprised if they did anyway. We will see I guess.


Well-Known Member
I don't think Wii has been beaten at all!

Wii has out sold PS3 and Xbox360 for the last few financial years, and easily!

Move and Kinnect wont sell more than the Wii, I would be suprised if they did anyway. We will see I guess.
I dont care who sells more wich one is cooler and more fun?


Active Member
I dont care who sells more wich one is cooler and more fun?
A bit cranky my man??!! I was just replying to his comment......

I honestly think the Move is cooler, although you still look like a retard playing, you wont look like as much of a retard as you would playing with the kinnect. And I was thinking that Move will have cooler games coming aswell, and many titles have already had confirmation that they will intergrate Move into them, Resident Evil 5, Heavy Rain I know have confirmed. Also shooters will be playable with the Move, I can't see how that would happen with the Kinnect.

There Mr Beardo, was that better!?


Well-Known Member
I dont care who sells more wich one is cooler and more fun?
kincnect by far, but ide wait till they fix they bugs. No stupid pinpong remotes to buy like the move. accurate and i bet the games that come out for it are better. But deff wait a year tho both have their problems. Ps3 move i found quite shitty but it was only a display. kinnect has more potential, its almost like minority report style


Active Member
I have a ps3 and although I've never played either, my question is this...

With the kinnect, since there's no peripheral device, how could it come out with games like Call of Duty or the other big sellers, when there really wouldnt be a way to distinguish things like switching weapons, classes, throwing a grenade or picking something up...? Games that require distinguished control layouts for the ever expanding functions.

I mean sure you can do things that simply require body gesture, but lack of controls seems to really narrow the spectrum of the kinds of games that would be compatible...:-?


Staff member
i really enjoy kinect

cons- you need 6-10 feet of room to play
pros- play with multiple people
lots of fun games to play while high or drunk or sober
no controllers
it takes snap shot photos, so you can giggle after
lots of fun games, fish games ,adventure, dancing, sports, ect

overall seeing as ive tried the wii, motion , kinect is seriously more fun, you can even play alone, or against a computer, i enjoyed kinect dancing it was a lot of fun with my friends and i also use it alone to work out


Well-Known Member
don't get kinect because it requires too much room...about 8-10 feet
That's for 2 players, I think a single player only needs 6 feet

«.kingcronic.»;4882482 said:
Kind of feel bad for the Wii. Getting beat at it's own game, now it has NOTHING.
The Wii still has the Move beat by a mile. Until Killzone 3 comes out, we won't know what the Move is really capable of but in the meantime, saying that it's beating a nearly 4 year old technology isn't really saying much is it? hahaha Sony is way behind on motion sensor games, the new Wii Motion Sensor plus is probably identical to Sony's Move. The Wii-motes are fully upgradeable, I'm sure it'd be just as easy to update a new Motion Sensor plus if they needed to but the one out right now works like a charm.

I have all 3 consoles but my next upgrade will be a 360 Kinect 250g bundle. The only thing Sony has going for it right now is blu ray and 3D capability, and even that is in it's infancy. Do you know anyone with a 3D tv? It's a pain in the ass to set up and you still need to buy $100 - $200 glasses.

Nintendo has nothing to worry about with Sony. Don't let this turn into a Sony fanboy vs. Nintendo fanboy vs. Xbox fanboy thread, they always seem to turn out that way...


Well-Known Member
A bit cranky my man??!! I was just replying to his comment......

I honestly think the Move is cooler, although you still look like a retard playing, you wont look like as much of a retard as you would playing with the kinnect.
I allways look like a retard so its cool either way- I do think its funny theyve got people predending to do stuff for their t.v. its like the matrix-sorry if I was rude last time