wwxbb. female seeds xline grow pics!perpetual grow.

here's some picks of my wwxbb perpetual grow.first batch about 6 weeks in flower, 21 plants.second batch about 3 weeks in flower, 24 plants.the ones vegging about 3 weeks from clone,24 plants.been doing some training on the batch vegging. i topped them and have done some lst and super cropping.i have been playing around with them seeing if can get bigger yields and what works with this strain.my mother plant pictured is about 8 months old and has been cloned this shit out of her.she clones easily.rooted in about 5 to 7 days.the rooms a work in the progress.have about 10"x*8 to work with.have a 1000 watt hydro-farm hps with super hps bulb and a 400 watt commercial light with mh to hps conversion bulb.using fertilome soiless mix in 2 gallon grow bags and vegg in 1/2 gallon grow bags due to limited veg area..using botanicare pure blend grow and bloom and cal-mag.i uses the grow, cal mag and some super thrive during veg.and use the bloom,humbold ginormous, cal mag, molasses during flower.going to add liquid karma to the line up and use the whole grow.going to get another 1000 watt hps and 50" roll of white poly and wrap the whole room.



Everything looks great! I have some wwbb popping right now i was wondering how many phenotypes did u get when u grew yours and how much stretch did you get after you flipped them?:mrgreen:
started with 4 seeds all were pretty uniform. they stretch about 8"12" when fliped at about 16" with being topped.mine end up about 20"-24"


Well-Known Member
I have 6 Female Seeds WWxBB in a DWC SCROG. They are about 3 weEks in to veg now. I think I'll veg for another week or two then flip the lights. I have topped, fimmed & LST'd them. I'm going to keep heavily training them until about 2 weeks in to flower.
thats pretty much what im doing to all my ladys now.just in an soiless mix.going to start playing around with straight hydro growing.i have a 4' x 3' flood and drain table going to set up here soon.and have some 4"x4"square tubes im going to make a nft sort of set up with sprayer tube.hows the dwc working out thought about going that route too. getting tired of having to get all the soiless mix.since doing a perpetual grow with two crops stagerd 4 weeks apart and have next ones vegging and clones taking root in the 2 level grow cab.im using alot of mix.geting paranoid about bring in all those big 3 cu.ft. bags in a few times a month in the dead of winter.i like in the city with plenty of neighbors and have to park on the street.if switch over to hydro just have to get alot of grow rocks once pretty much and clean and reuse.i have a water supply i added in the the cellar grow room too.