www.buydutchseeds.com will steal from you!!!

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Ok guys, I recently tried to order some New Purple Power seeds from www.buydutchseeds.com[/URL]. I had a problem ordering because I did not have enough money on my card, fortunately. I sent them a kind email explaining the situation, I have cut and pasted it below, changing nthing but my name and order number. Let me just say, be careful dealing with this company:

opened: 09/16/2010 from xxxxxxxxxxx
Ticket No.: xxxxxxx
OrderID: xxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx
Date: 09/16/2010
Status: Open
Department: Sale
Priority: Medium
I have just tried to order some NPP seed for $61.12, that is the price that your system is said that it was charging me, no problem. The problem is that your system is charging my card $65.12, without ever saying that I am being charged the extra $5 and for what. Now I have to go add another $5 to my card, which will cost me another $6 to put money on the card. If this website had just been straightforward with me about the price, then I would not have to pay the extra money. I have always ordered from Attitude Seeds, with no problems, why am I having these problems trying to order from you for the first time, and does your company have any plan to compensate me for the extra money this has cost me? (from webform)Els Beekman
Date: 09/20/2010
Status: Closed
Department: Sale
Priority: Medium
Hello Ali,
We're very sorry that it hasn't been clear along the way to you, but the extra 6 dollars are the shipping costs.
That isn't an abnormal thing, when ordering by mail. Anyway since it hasn't been clear to you, i will pass this to the webteam, hopefully they will take the advice.
Meanwhile, only thing i can say to you is, that you should maybe purchase a variety that is a little bit cheaper. Then you won't have to topup your card.

Best regards,
Date: 09/20/2010
Status: Open
Department: Sale
Priority: High
The NPP seeds are US $55. After you add the shipping charge it comes out to be US $61.12. I am not stupid and do not like being insulted and taken advantage of. I realize shipping is quite normal when ordering by mail. the hidden $5 charge that bumps the entire price to $65.12 is just extra, stealing! I realize that I could order cheaper seeds, or instead I can order from Attitude, like I usually do. I like the NPP, but I do not like hidden charges and being treated like I do not have a clue what I am talking about.
I am a member of Grasscity.com, Rollitup.org, Hydrocana.com and Icmag.com. I am copying and pasting this entire discussion so that others can see how you guys have tried to steal $5 from me and then treated me like I was stupid and have no idea what shipping is. I have spent most of my professional life working in finance, I think I can figure out shipping. Thanks for showing what kind of crooks you are before I took a chance on your company. I wanted that NPP, it is a great strain, but instead, I ordered Deep Purple and Purple #1 from Attitude. I do not feel comfortable ordering from a company that can not even admit that they are stealing $5 when they are caught red handed.


Well-Known Member
are you really that surprised??

If people would just listen to the experienced people around here.. this shit wouldn't happen.

The only seed banks that I'll do business with.. are the ones that re legit and reputable.

I only use the following banks:

1. Attitude Seed bank
2. Nirvana Seed bank
3. SpeedySeedz Seed bank
4. TGA Subcool Seed bank

Those are the only 4 that I trust with my money and my information.

See, not only do these other fuckers take your money.... but they also have your information as well. Which, if they wanted to.. they could sell or use your information for all kinds of different purposes... which in my opinion... I wouldn't be surprised if they do that too.

Good luck to ya's.

Remember people, make DOUBLE SURE!!! That your ordering from a legit and reputable seed bank before even thinking about buying seeds.

The 4 seed banks I listed, are the only ones that I trust.. and they're the only ones I'll do business with... and I would highly suggest the same to everyone else around here. Especially all the noobs that have no idea what they're doing.

Anyhow, once again.. good luck man. I would make sure that nobody has stolen your identity too.. keep checking it periodically to make sure nothing fishy goes on.



Active Member
SpeedySeedz is gone... I can't believe you said you would trust him though he took maybe 1000's of dollars from customers and left them to try and get it back from Paypal.
Speedy at one point might have been a good choice, but he's closed now.

My seedbanks
Attitude ($23 dollar guaranteed shipping for USA)
Everyonedoesit EDIT ($5 guaranteed shipping for USA) (free shipping option, not sure if insured or sent out of store with much hurry)
High Grade Seeds ( $5 shipping, No guarantee except their word, I told them they never sent me my Fruit Punch and i I had it in my mailbox 6 or 7 days later)

Good luck and do your research~

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
They can't even do the out in the open maths correctly, i just registered and went through the chekcout to the final page of payment, and it states

Sub-Total: $55.00 Priority Airmail (Best Way): $6.11 Total: $61.12
55.00 + 6.11 = 61.12 :lol:

The whole site seems low key and eworth avoiding. They clearly state that they will not be held liable for any damaaged or lost mail, any male confiscated by customs etc, that they will not re-ship or reimburse. If i contract with a company, and included in that contract is shipment, then that company is responsible for the order from payment to delivery in my hand. They have contracted with the courier, not me.

Fuck that site, theire FAQ says that they would never screw anyone over as that would quickly spread a bad word, well let's spread that bad word!

edit: I've also emailed them about this to see what their response is. I'll bet it is none.


SpeedySeedz is gone... I can't believe you said you would trust him though he took maybe 1000's of dollars from customers and left them to try and get it back from Paypal.
Speedy at one point might have been a good choice, but he's closed now.

My seedbanks
Attitude ($23 dollar guaranteed shipping for USA)
Everyonedoesit EDIT ($5 guaranteed shipping for USA) (free shipping option, not sure if insured or sent out of store with much hurry)
High Grade Seeds ( $5 shipping, No guarantee except their word, I told them they never sent me my Fruit Punch and i I had it in my mailbox 6 or 7 days later)

Good luck and do your research~
Good headz up on Speedy Seedz man. I have been ordering from Attitude for a long time, this was my first time trying a different company, fortunately it did not hurt what I am doing, but someone could end up real dissappointed in doing business with these folks.

They can't even do the out in the open maths correctly, i just registered and went through the chekcout to the final page of payment, and it states

55.00 + 6.11 = 61.12 :lol:

The whole site seems low key and eworth avoiding. They clearly state that they will not be held liable for any damaaged or lost mail, any male confiscated by customs etc, that they will not re-ship or reimburse. If i contract with a company, and included in that contract is shipment, then that company is responsible for the order from payment to delivery in my hand. They have contracted with the courier, not me.

Fuck that site, theire FAQ says that they would never screw anyone over as that would quickly spread a bad word, well let's spread that bad word!

edit: I've also emailed them about this to see what their response is. I'll bet it is none.
Ya man, I am glad that someone else confirmed what I am talking about. I apprecieate your support on this, I told them that the growing community was a close community, I am happy knowing that I got the word out.
I've posted this elsewhere, but here it is in case it's new and/or relevant to you:

I had trouble with an order in April 2012. After going back and forth for several month, and after two failed shipping attempts, none of their packages arrived. I, nor the company, have any idea why or how this happened... they claimed they had many normal shipments to the US (and even to my city and state). In the end, after some headache, I got the company to refund my money (in August 2012). It's an unfortunate situation that I wish had ended differently! But at least the company did the right thing and refunded the money. Perhaps my experience was a weird fluke. Good luck!


Well-Known Member
Placed an order from them March 22nd and posted it here to run a test before placing any larger orders. Post labled Buy dutch Seeds Test.


Well every business has problems with shipping and order inputs, probably more-so with this type of business, but in my case, I ordered March 12 2013 and received March 26 2013, not to shabby, Didn't really have to deal with customer service but they certainly let me know the status of my order, can't speak to quality as of yet but everything looks good. That was shipping to Canada. So my review would be positive.


Well-Known Member
:lol: at previous two posters... Really, just because this is a growers and stoners forum doesn't mean people here are stupid. First time posters standing up for a company NEVER happens, was a cliche a decade ago already. You are both obviously employed by buydutchseeds.com and making a fool out of yourselves.

So let me put it this way: WTH would anyone buy seeds from a site that has the words "buy" and "seeds" in it?? While you can order it from breeders directly... Why buy from people who write bogus testimonials...

Another thing, I'm in the Netherlands and when I visit buydutchseeds.com I get redirected to the .nl domain. And guess what, no MJ seeds, but flowers... i.o.w. no Dutch buy mj seeds from buydutchseeds.com

I'm not going to recommend others but if it's hard to buy Dutch seeds discretely and safely I'd be happy to list a few that are considered reliable here.


Well-Known Member
:lol: at previous two posters... Really, just because this is a growers and stoners forum doesn't mean people here are stupid. First time posters standing up for a company NEVER happens, was a cliche a decade ago already. You are both obviously employed by buydutchseeds.com and making a fool out of yourselves.

So let me put it this way: WTH would anyone buy seeds from a site that has the words "buy" and "seeds" in it?? While you can order it from breeders directly... Why buy from people who write bogus testimonials...

Another thing, I'm in the Netherlands and when I visit buydutchseeds.com I get redirected to the .nl domain. And guess what, no MJ seeds, but flowers... i.o.w. no Dutch buy mj seeds from buydutchseeds.com

I'm not going to recommend others but if it's hard to buy Dutch seeds discretely and safely I'd be happy to list a few that are considered reliable here.
I think they give you some free seeds by posting or something. I could be wrong but I think I remember reading that somewhere.


Well-Known Member
Not sure what's worse then...

Some breeders also give so called "freebies", standard just for ordering, no obligation or pay off to spam testimonials.


:lol: at previous two posters... Really, just because this is a growers and stoners forum doesn't mean people here are stupid. First time posters standing up for a company NEVER happens, was a cliche a decade ago already. You are both obviously employed by buydutchseeds.com and making a fool out of yourselves.

So let me put it this way: WTH would anyone buy seeds from a site that has the words "buy" and "seeds" in it?? While you can order it from breeders directly... Why buy from people who write bogus testimonials...

Another thing, I'm in the Netherlands and when I visit buydutchseeds.com I get redirected to the .nl domain. And guess what, no MJ seeds, but flowers... i.o.w. no Dutch buy mj seeds from buydutchseeds.com

I'm not going to recommend others but if it's hard to buy Dutch seeds discretely and safely I'd be happy to list a few that are considered reliable here.
No not employed by them, just a customer, and yes they did ask me to post the results of my experience with them just as I do when I buy something off ebay, I have looked at breeder sites and have not found one that will ship to Canada, so please, feel free to pm some sites that you know of that are willing to ship to Canada. I am not recommending them to anyone, I am simply stating my experience with them, if it turns out the seeds are junk, I'll post that too. You are lucky to live in a country where you don't have to hide your hobby, I unfortunately do not. Anyhow, I look forward to a pm from you. peace.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for replying Darryl. I'm not the most proud dutch out there but still hate to see people possibly get ripped off by a company that uses Dutch in the name. At the same time I realize it's easy for me to say because I can buy seeds in stores offline and online easily, and I sincerely wish everyone on the planet can do the same so if I can have any positive influence on that I will. So I will definitely send you a pm, but will do some research first. Unless Canada is a tough case in particular to send seeds to, I think I know a few reliable ones already.

You are lucky to live in a country where you don't have to hide your hobby, I unfortunately do not.
Unfortunately, that's a myth. Those day are long gone. Smoking, growing, selling, buying mj isn't legal in the Netherlands. On the contrary, growers get raided all day every day, small and large, hobbyists and pros. It's the most common news item, it's the nr 1 activity of the police (raiding growers with cooperation of electric companies, housing/appartement owners in case grower rents, and the cops and the IRS. That's right, raiding homegrowers with 20 people.... They DESTROY growing equipment, plants, mj and then guestimate how many rounds you've grown and how much profit you made and then tax and fine you. Most get caught after someone snitches. Again this happens all day every day. It is no longer "Holland", it's just another state of the EUSSR. Stealth (and hence privacy when ordering seeds) is as necessary here as water.

Technically, or better legally, if you put max 5 plants in soil and use no additives, no light except the sun, and no neighbors complain, then, depending on the county, one might get away with it. Add lamp or measuring equipment or nutes or use hydro method and it's consider a professional-criminal enterprise... I grow hydro now partly so my neighbors don't see me draggin bags of soil in and out the house.


Well-Known Member
Darryl, I just noticed you can't receive PMs yet, probably requires a minimum post count. Since this is one I actually ordered seeds from in the past (Kiwi mix), though in 2007, and seems to have expanded their offerings to include other breeders, and is from one of the most famous coffeeshops in Amsterdam which I used to frequent until tourists took over (no offense, is what it is), I will gladly recommend it:

I checked and it lists Canada, obviously haven't submitted the test order so don't pin me down on it.

Or from breeders directly:

It would surprise me if Sannie doesn't ship to Canada (my fav breeder so far) (is working on new freebies to go with every order as usual)

One I have not tried yet, heard good and bad things about their strains, but #freebies depending on order amount.



Thanks for the links, I have tried some from a few on that first link, wasn't impressed with the quality, but I did get them through a 3rd party so who knows what was really sent.
PM privileges probably start at 10 posts, I'll get there soon:)


Well-Known Member
:lol: You delete my links - unbiased safe alternatives for ordering seeds - but you continue to let these people spam their fake bought testimonials. FFS...

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