

ok. This has hapend very quickly. over a two day span, it went from barely noticable light green and gray spots, to this:-?. Its a DWC in a 5 gal bucket using botinicare pure blend pro grow 3-2-4 nutrients, 85 watt 6500k 8500 lumen cfl about 4 inches from the plant, temp is about 75 to 80f. with the fan, water temp seems to be nice and cool, cahnged the res about 3 days ago. No one seems to have a clue as to what it is. Any help will be great


Well-Known Member
What is the problem? Are we talkin about the plant or the hydroton with the gray spots? lol
The plant looks fine to me, maybe some heat stress.
Looks a lil young to be feeding nutes yet.
Give it a lil time to grow and see how it turns out.


Active Member
Are you referring to the curled leaves? Looks like they might have gotten burnt or something. What's your reservoir temp? Do you think its possible you have a fungus in the res?


yea i was referring to the curled leaves lol. Not sure what the water temps are, and i doubt its a fungus because i cleaned the res with bleach when i changed it out. I got a humidity tester and my humidity has been at a steady 60%. The plant has been fine though ever since though. all the new growth is a nice green, and it has grown 3 sets of leaves within the three days after. The growth in dwc is crazy! Maybe it could have been nute burn when i changed out the res and put new nutes in?
Anyways, since im only growing one plant what do you guys think i should do to get the best yeild? I know that it depends on lighting and nutes n stuff, but i just wanted some opinions on what to do.