WTF!?!?!?! Please Help


Well-Known Member
I have been vegging my white russians for about 1.5 months now under a 400 Watt MH. I started from seed. I have been giving them grow juice as a vegging nute. About 5 days ago i took clones from all the plants (Ihave 11) and also at this time i started giving them bloom juice (my flowering nute). the plants have been on a consistent 18/6 light schedule the entire time. Today i checked them and six plants are showing sex (3 male 3 female). I am positive seeing as this is not my first grow. How is this possible when they have never been on a 12/12 light schedule!?!?!?


Well-Known Member
Either the plants are from an autoflowering strain or you're confusing a pre-flower with flowering. I'm going to guess the latter. It is possible to tell the sex if left to veg long enough without putting them into 12/12.


Well-Known Member
Some strains show pre flowers during veg. Why, I have no idea but my AK47 from serious seeds showed sex in about 40 days of veg. I asked the same question in my grow journal and someone replied that their grows using serious seeds strains did the same thing. Maybe its a testimonial to the genitics of serious seeds :)

Its not autoflowering strains because they only take 17-20 days to show sex. You have been in veg mode for 1.5 months.


Well-Known Member
Plants will show preflowers when they reach sexual maturity. This can happen at different times from strain to strain.

A sexually mature plant is ready to be Sexed, Cloned or Flowered.


Well-Known Member
I am using "white russian" from serious seeds (not autoflowering) and i am seeing white pistils and pollen sacks. would these be considered preflowers?