WTF My Humidity is in the 90s HELP!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
iv tried those, didnt work for me at all. that liquid is not pure h2o, dont try to drink it for fucksake. i tried one out ages ago and it took about 2 weeks for the crystals to fully turn into about a pint of liquid. i think its a gimmick showing you the water and all but its hardly anything compared to whats in the air. i think it was designed for using in wardrobes to stop cloths being slightly damp and smelling. probably would work for that. but if your looking to extract about 4 pints in a couple of hours then you need a proper dehumidifier


Well-Known Member
I switched the 80cfm fan now its blowing air into and the 465cfm fan now blowing out every 15mins. This has dropped it down in the 70s.