wtf is your problem?


Well-Known Member
All of your reading and taking in information is only enhancing your growing theory. You will need to put that information to use in order to get growing experience. All the theory in the world will do you no good, if you dont try and pop a couple bagseed for fun, try shit, see what works for you.

There are many roads to Rome, theres no right way to get there.

Lights, start with some cheapy cfl's. I just did a bomb ass BC Purp in a pc case, surprised the shit outta me. Not my first movie tho, as I do have a clue as to what im doing, but have learned a shit load here in just a few short months.


Well-Known Member
its a sad world if we cant ask each other questions and pick up tips from each other......................its very sad the way some folks are so rude on here...............we should all live together in perfect peace.................ok thats all i got to say......go on then fuck off.


Well-Known Member
i see you did your research but if you start your own thread you would know they dont give to much space to put anything in that spot so i keep it short enough to fit and enough info for people to want to check it out
Maybe you should ask your Mom or Dad to become a moderator here at RIU, all your problems would be solved.....


Active Member
Dunno, so far this is my favorite forum to ask questions.
Everyone is nice and answer fast and give good tips..
Relax, smoke a joint, every forum has dickheads


Well-Known Member

A wild plant growing where it is not wanted and in competition with cultivated plants.

where i'm originally from.. this is very much the case..

you do understand that weed and herb are both just general terms not actual botanical genre classifications right?

Yeh that is correct a weed is any unwanted plant growing and competing with another plant in a given area. I'm studying turfgrass in college so all my classes focus on how to maintain sports fields or golf courses and their surrounding landscape. So for instance, any other plant growing on a golf course turf would be considered a weed, but that same plant (say crabgrass) could be wanted on a home lawn somewhere. So calling something a weed means you wanna spray that shit with round-up and kill it... hopefully that will never happen to a ganja plant.


Well-Known Member
though about the penis, id say, find smaller pussy.

cant do shit about the brain

well, you could exercise it.

that actually works, just takes some time.


Well-Known Member
Yes, a 'weed' is any plant I don't want in my garden.. and that's all.. so it's a slang word like 'dope' that cops and others made up to belittle it. Might have something to do with ditch weed.


Well-Known Member
I'm not trying to be rude by no means. Just real. Maybe this ia a better way to put it...

Well as a total beginner I have had nothing but help. I have had to field a bit of sarcasm, nut if all these dudes have to do with thier life is to criticize people who are admitting a lack of knowledge and asking for help, then it says more about them than me. But then again, what do I know, I am a total oob