WTF is lollypopping?


Well-Known Member
hey nice guy. I live about 40 minutes north of sac. Just wondering if you've ever been to marconi med center in del paso heights?


Well-Known Member
hey nice guy. I live about 40 minutes north of sac. Just wondering if you've ever been to marconi med center in del paso heights?
No I don't have a license yet. But I think I've had some bud from there from a friend, but there are a bunch of these places randomly everywhere in sactown.

What place you frequent?:-P


Well-Known Member
Marconi claimes to be the best med club in sacramento area. Yes they do always have clones, at 15 dollars a piece, and ive only seen 2 samples of thier weed that looks any where near to conneseur quality. The clones I would buy either didnt grow turned herm, or would be a surprise super shitty weed and would be nothing like the strain they told people it was. It was shit weed basically. So I stopped buying clones from them 3 harvest seasons later and switched to buying seed.
But, no I havnt been to any other club but marconi since they claim to be the best in sac and according to weedtracker, marconi has all the best ratings even though I left a negative comment. All the other med clubs suck according to the weedtracker, so if that really is the case, I would hate to see the clubs that are inferior to marconi.


Well-Known Member
that makes absolutely no fucking sense. Maby the person who told you that was just an asshole and was praying on your ignorance. Or... I say you believed that guy and you really think people tie lollipops to thier plants because your too young and dumb to be on this site.

have you not seen people tie down branches to strengthen them up? spread them out? this is the same idea, the pic is on here somewhere.

and no I'm not too young to be on this site i'm 19, if you must know, I'm pretty sure I saw it in this thread

I say your a prick with low self esteem so you talk shit on the internet. Suck it ez prick.

you need some medicine for your ego. it seems the weed is only inflating it.



Well-Known Member
have you not seen people tie down branches to strengthen them up? spread them out? this is the same idea, the pic is on here somewhere.

and no I'm not too young to be on this site i'm 19, if you must know, I'm pretty sure I saw it in this thread

I say your a prick with low self esteem so you talk shit on the internet. Suck it ez prick.

and after looking at your orangebud grow I wouldn't be giving out tips if I were you.
you think that tieing down lower branches will increase yield if you put weight on them??? Then you insult me personally and my plants and tell me to suck it ez? Your a stupid teenager and should be banned off this site for being a dumb ass. -rep.
Oh wait...I get it now...I said someone prayed on your ignorance....not an insult its just something that happens to be true.


Well-Known Member
damn dude were the 1 gallon pots big enough? im getting a 10.5 sq feet grow tent for my flowering room and a 600w hps. how many lollipopped ladies in 1 gallon grow bags do you think i can fit in there? and how far into growing to you lollipop them? thanks bro


Active Member
Yep it can increase yield. Otherwise I wouldn't say it.
I don't use the method myself as I rarely grow single cola plants.
A lot of people remove lower growth when doing ScrOG grows, it's the same method to the madness, in a ScrOG the lower growth is completely shaded, so the buds down there never grow properly or fully mature well. The leaves are shaded and so are doing very little photosynthesis but the plant still needs to feed them the sugars created by the leaves photosynthesis-ing on the top of the plant (in the light), if the lower leaves got no sugars they'd die and drop off, creating the same effect as removing them anyway.
Removing them means that they are not there to require sugars created by photosynthesis and so the plant can redirect those sugars and that energy to the parts of the plant that most greatly require it, such as the leaves and budsites receiving the most light at the top of the plant.
phloem only travels up. the sieve tube members and the companion cells only move nutes up from the roots to the shoots ;-D