WTF is going on!?!?!?!?!

Alien Train Wreck

Well-Known Member
Ok, so when I started growing,idk why but I had a good feeling about one seed,I thought it would be a huge success. I germinated it,grew it,but at about 3 weeks in,when its was watered,the stem broke.Needless to say that it sucked. But I have a couple other seedlings going so I wasnt totally bummed.I never actually removed the dead seedling from the pot(I wanted to use it as kinda recycled soil) But today the crazyest thing happened,I looked in the pot and there are 5 almost microscopic seedlings growing!!!!WTF!Normally I would be Super happy...AND I AM!!!!! but the thing is........I only put 1 seed in the pot.....not 6......Am I like in the Twilight Zone or something?lol or is it just divine intervention?

Thanks guys,


Well-Known Member
I assume your growing in soil. They are probably not pot plants that are growing :) Just some random seed that got in the soil.

Alien Train Wreck

Well-Known Member
No there marijuana, they have the 2 true leaves on them,and the same thing is happening in another pot of mine.,only I actually planted seeds in there, and they look exactly the same.


Well-Known Member
Those r not cannabis seedlings just some random weed. Cannabis cant be microscopic. Anywax u could save your broken plant

Alien Train Wreck

Well-Known Member
When I said Microscopic I was exagerating Nemad,any way,the pics are shitty,but I'm sure they are realy pot plants.And no I couldn't save the happened a week ago,it decomposed.



Active Member
yeah def not the weed you're looking for. Happened to me once when I just grew in soil from my backyard haha.