
Well-Known Member
I just seen on the news we are getting some frost tomorrow moring around 2am. Its supposed to get down to 28 degrees... I have no way to get to my plants, I have 5 2 week old babies and 1 thats alittle over 1 1/2 months. Not to mention the 35+ germed seeds I planted 2 weeks ago but I never checked for sprouts yet...

So Am I pretty much fucked?...:confused:


Well-Known Member
Nope... Like I said I have NO way to get to them.... I might just say fuck it and walk it but IDK its like a 3 hour walk. My girl thats a month in a half looks strong and shes coming up on 2 ft... You don't think she has a chance? I don't know how it works really im a first time grower... is it Forst=Dead Plants, Period?.


Well-Known Member
i just stopped back for a break, been out covering mine up for the past 7 hours, prolly 50+ miles on the singlespeed mountain bike. got 3 more to do, im leavin 4 uncovered cause its just too damn far. mid-may fuckin redicilous is that.

cant wait to go uncover them all tomorrow bright and earlier......what a joke!

lets hope it isnt too bad!


Well-Known Member
well it also depends on where they are. if they are in A VALLEY BETWEEN 2 MOUNTAINSOR ON A RAVENE THEy may get frosted because the are at a lower altitude. if they are on top of a mountain then they may be ok an it wont frost up there. But if they are just outside period yes they are gonna die. period.


Well-Known Member

28 degrees between 2AM-9AM, 1 Plant, 1 and 2/3 Month old (2 Feet.). Will she make it?

I just read small frost over 25 degress wont hurt really plants. Is this true?


Well-Known Member
mine all have chicken wire cages around them 2' tall 1.5' around, i just put black trash bags over the cages and tied the bottom tight. ive never had any experience with frost/freeze except for earlier this year, i had some overcrowding and put one out in april, later that week it snowed and was shitty for 3 days....she was toast!

i really hope this frost isnt gonna kill all my plants or anyone else's, that would just suck way too much!


Well-Known Member

28 degrees between 2AM-9AM, 1 Plant, 1 and 2/3 Month old (2 Feet.). Will she make it?

I just read small frost over 25 degress wont hurt really plants. Is this true?
the plant i put out in april was prolly about a foot or so, i dont think it got below 25 tho and it was really REALLY dead when i showed up!

you might be alright tho?, -good luck!


Active Member
thats why id never plant that far away from my house. takes about 4 minutes to walk to my grow spot! though i live in the boonies ;)


Well-Known Member
Thats the bad thing about growing outside here. I'm in the north of the state and got the same forcast. I'm not outside, but I feel ya. Lets just hope you don't have the same problem in the fall.


Ya that frost is deffinately a downer thats that only thing about putting them out this early is the weather can be your worst night mar!! have you ever heard or a plant called Ice....? if so i was just wondering if i could get some info about them. Also i`m intersted in getting some pure feminized seeds of {Pineapple express!!} Its the best weed i`ve smoked ever an i was wanting to know if anyone knew a sucure site that i could get some of those babes from. I would appresiate some info if anyone knows about any of my ?`s Thanks


Active Member
let us know how they turned out. if they do bite it then next year start your plants early and take em out to your spot at the beginning of june (if possible)


Well-Known Member
I'm going to check on them in a couple hours, I went outside at 4.AM and it wasn't TOO cold so I don't think it affected them to bad... It doubt it get under 30 degrees.


Well-Known Member
yeah man i went to bed at 2:00 a.m and it was still 40 degrees, wtf! now i gotta go spend 7-8 hrs uncovering them all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
shit, my plants just sprouted days ago and that fukin frost last night definetley ruined it, or is there any chance they survived???


Well I would look at the leaves and see how much frost damage they have. If the all the leaves are faded and maybe a bit brown then they are done for. If just the edges of a few of the leaves are a little brown you may still have a chance. I would wait and see. But definitely dont give up yet