WOW. They are still alive...


Active Member

I am astonished of the resilience of these plants man. Over two weeks ago now I had discovered I had a dude plant so I slaughtered that plant and threw in its place another unknown. I fed this plant for about 2 days and got disheartened for it looked male too... So I though fuck it and turned the timer off and cut my losses for now. Had a look in the ex-grow room today and I had to look twice it is still there AND still growing... FARK.... I turned the lights off two weeks ago now, not fed it and NO lights at all for it is pitch black where it is, we are just getting colder weather now too and it still grows.

Attached is the image from it and from the top is growing stacks of little hairs about 1cm long (I am hoping that is. This is still my first grow).

Am I clutching to straws?



Well-Known Member
It seems when we want females we get males, but when someone neglects a plant like that this lucky mofo get's a female.