Would You Take A Million Dollars, or...


Well-Known Member
If you had a choice between 1 million dollars or having yourself mentioned in the koran, which one would you choose?

Let's just say a genie gave you a choice between a million dollars or being allowed to go back in time and become an influential character mentioned in the bible.

What would you choose?


Well-Known Member
what a glorious misuse of bandwidth...now let all the religion nuts start another holy war on here.


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't care so much about a mention, I'd like to go back in time just so I could hang with Jesus. And if anyone gave us trouble they'd have the big guy to answer to and muscly carpenter fist :3


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't care so much about a mention, I'd like to go back in time just so I could hang with Jesus. And if anyone gave us trouble they'd have the big guy to answer to and muscly carpenter fist :3
Lol, it is funny because Jesus is actually in the Koran.

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
what a stupid question ,:dunce:of course any sane human would take a million dollars :wall::wall::sleep:the koran means shit diddly doop to 3 quarters of the earth .


Well-Known Member
now if i could go back in time to see jesus i would do it for verification. then i would go to multiple spots and creat stonework saying heath was here from the future 2011 a.d. then that way when an archeologist finds my writings i left in biblical times it would blow there mind. i would go out and write crazy shit like watch out for osama bin laden he will destroy usa remember sep 11 2001 and i would draw airplanes and spell out obama and world war 2 and really fuck with the scientists minds