would this be a good idea


Active Member
i have about a 19" x 18" x 3' growing space, i currently have 2x bagseed plants growing at about the 23days. my space is getting pretty cramped for the shorter of the two ( one plant is 11" not including pot height and the smaller is 7"), i topped the shorter one which gavet he untopped plant a good week or so of grouth on the smaller one. would it be a bad idea to snip some of the fans off of the plant to allow for some light to smaller branches? (only on the shorter plant)

any advice is good


Well-Known Member
cutting fan leaves is ok and it normaly makes them grow faster but ive lost plant by cutting to many leaves off so be careful


Active Member
im glad to know that i can trim some of these huge indica fans off, they are rather big. but would it be a misstake to take off all the fans besides the to two rows or so?


Active Member
good to know, i have taken a few of the fans off and they are about 2/3rd the width that they were. the lower flowers will now get alot more light. thx for imput


Well-Known Member
You should never trim fan leafs unless they are dying, or if they are on a lower shoot that your removing.