Would It Be Possible To Splice Bud With A Cherry Tree?


Active Member
Wouldn't it be cool
if you could grow the tree of life?!

  • How would you do it?:leaf:
  • whats the Science?:leaf:
  • is it even possible?!:leaf:
They can splice a lemon with a lime why not weed and a tree
money could grow on trees if somebody could figure it out

in fact my goal in life since I started smoking has been to create a tree of bud
imagine forests instead of pine trees ... weeed trees!
it would be pretty awesome right?
well its my goal give me some input maybe its already been done

it could be Frankenstein's legacy :weed:

:leaf:if you put your mind to it you can do anything! :leaf:
:leaf:push science to the extreme :leaf:
:leaf:grow a world wonder:leaf:



nope not with current technology. but if you do figure it out somehow post that shit. but i dont think it will work due to genetics.


Well-Known Member
Imagine that cherry's that get you high ahahah. you could take over the edibles business with the new natural way to replace brownies and cookies. Call it a diet+A-high every one would hit that fad up.

and the reason why they can splice a lemon with lime is well. have you seen them side by side its just a different color. its like they are cousins and mankind made them fuck to have retarded offspring called "Citrus fruit"


Well-Known Member
I don't know, but considering all they have done, it would seem they could make fruit contain THC


It would be grafting, not splicing. If you really want to do this is to get really good at grafting plants together, every type you can find, MJ plants, trees, everything. Get really really good at it, there are some good demo's on here on how to get it done on MJ plants. Once you have mastered this, then try grafting different trees together, first different cherry or apple trees of whatever, then maybe try to graft the apple to the cherry tree, visa versa, and then when you have seen how things go you maybe able to successfully graft plants to a tree. I do not believe this would cross them entirely, simply make them live off of the trees roots. However the claim has always been that the true Strawberry Cough got its Strawberry taste from years of breeding inside of a strawberry patch, so maybe you could get cherry buds.


Well-Known Member
You can graft MJ to MJ but not to a cherry tree. Unfortunately the plants do need to be related which is why you see citrus grafted to other citrus and walnuts grafted to other walnut types... Seasonal weeds and fruiting trees are just to different. Might be able to graft it to another weed within the same family.


Well-Known Member
I dunno about that but I figured out a way to cross lions and tigers. I call them ligers and they are bred mostly for their skills in magic.


Celtis and Humulus (hops) are related to marijuana. I believe I did read in a marijuana book that they successfully grafted a marijuana plant to the roots of hops. All it did though was grow a normal marijuana plant. The only real difference was it's root system.


I also just found this information online but I closed the site by accident but here you go:

**Plants of intended hybridization:
-Humulus Lupulus (Hardiness Zones: 4a - 8b)
-Cannabis Sativa (Hardiness Zones: ?)

-Both are naturally diploid, having a chromosome complement of 2n=20.
-Both species are dioecious, with separate male and female plants in the population.
-Both are genera within the same family.
-Both plants are pollinated by the wind.
-Both contain phytoestrogens.
-Both contain Humulene, a naturally occurring monocyclic sesquiterpene which contributes to their characteristic aromas.
-Both have the presence of glandular trichomes on inflorescenes, and both biosynthesize terpenophenolic secondary metabolites in these trichomes.

-Cannabis is annual while Humulus is perennial.
-Humulus lacks buds at the base of the staminate inflorescence.


Active Member
word see the information is out there its just taking all of it and converting it in a way that will work. maybe take bud and a plant with similar fruit types you know.