would i get caught growing?


New Member
i live inCT and im almost comletly surrounded by woods. theres a lot of water company property around here and i was wondering if id be able to grow without getting caught. i dnt have my own house yet so i wouldnt be able to grow inside or on the property my family owns. what do u think?
p.s. i reallly realy want to grow because weed is expensive were i live and most of it sucks
How often is it visited by people though. Even if you dont own it, it should be safe if nobody goes there and it is well concealed


New Member
How often is it visited by people though. Even if you dont own it, it should be safe if nobody goes there and it is well concealed
well, it is water company property so the waderns sometimes go there to cut wood but thats really only by the trails and shit. a
Anywhere that you are 100% sure is hidden from view of other people at all times is technically safe. The one thing you are relatively safe from is being caught cuz you will be there a minimal amount of time but the threat of people distroying your crop and wasting your hard work and time must be considered first


Well-Known Member
i live inCT and im almost comletly surrounded by woods. theres a lot of water company property around here and i was wondering if id be able to grow without getting caught. i dnt have my own house yet so i wouldnt be able to grow inside or on the property my family owns. what do u think?
p.s. i reallly realy want to grow because weed is expensive were i live and most of it sucks
alright. there's a lot of people that'll say that you need to go like 10 miles out. you don't.

you want to find a place that you'd be willing to stand butt naked at, for 24 hours a day, for the next couple of months, while remaining confident nobody can see you. that's a place you're plants aren't gonna be seen.

that might be 15 miles away from the nearest road, or even further, or you might hit it lucky and find a good spot close by.

if you don't have a house then you might not have a car, and getting food and water stuff to the site is going to be a pain in the ass. you never think that carrying 5-10 gallons of water up a hill is going to be that hard, until you have to do it.

the best advice i can tell you is find a spot, make a 2 foot deep hole, throw some fish in there, cover, bury the seeds as usual, a quarter inch from the top.

the fish will act as natural fertilizer. less stuff to carry up there.

and if you don't want to get caught doing something bad, don't do bad things:blsmoke::blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
^ That's what I was thinking... stinky fish not a great idea. Cheap and effective, but not smart if there are deer in the area.


Well-Known Member
It's actually cats and racoons you'd have to worry about, but the point is to bury it so there is no smell. Anything more than about 6" should be sufficient for that.

I've had some bad problems with raccoons using Alaska Fish Emulsions, won't use that in the woods again.


New Member
thanks for the advice everyone. what im probly going to do is go about 1/2-3/4 mile into my woods plant like 4 or 5 seeds and take it from ther. ill most likely use sea shells as my fertilzer seeing as howw i clam alot. i dont really know how ill dry the MJ out when i cut the stalk and its fully mature..


heh, I would not recommend starting from seed outside. Do some research (i.e. the FAQ and the newb forum) and start 'em in at least a cool red party cup like I do. I doubt your seedlings would stand much of a chance unless you transplant them after they've got a few nodes on them.

M0de Grow

Active Member
heh, I would not recommend starting from seed outside. Do some research (i.e. the FAQ and the newb forum) and start 'em in at least a cool red party cup like I do. I doubt your seedlings would stand much of a chance unless you transplant them after they've got a few nodes on them.
yeah what he said is so true but the party cup doesnt have to be red haha but really at least germ them it helps a lot


New Member
heh, I would not recommend starting from seed outside. Do some research (i.e. the FAQ and the newb forum) and start 'em in at least a cool red party cup like I do. I doubt your seedlings would stand much of a chance unless you transplant them after they've got a few nodes on them.
yeh tahts what i was gonna do. i was gonna Germ. them, then put them in these garden flatss that my mom has. then wait like a week or so to bring em outside


Well-Known Member
don't use you're mom's shit boy.

at least germ the seeds, then plant them outside in the woods.

if you live in an area that receives pretty good rain (and doesn't go into the 100's day after day) the plant's gonna grow outside fine, i've thrown seeds outside for fun and seen them sprout.

just germ the seeds and plant them outside (1/3 inch from the surface, tap root down) wherever you think it's not gonna get spotted... go back 2 weeks later. if there's plants where you dropped the seeds, then it's time to get nutes and take them out there...

carrying clones or baby plants into yo' momma's house, and then out to the site is gonna be too hard....