Worst Tweak Ever?


I know there is probably a thread out there somewhere like this one but what is the worst tweak you have ever had while smoking?? Just want to hear some of the stories haha! I have a few but the most recent one was a few days ago I got a taste for some pepsi but there was none in the apt. It was 2am and there was a 24 hour walgreens across the way. I was home alone and I decided to drive on over there and pic some up. Well I got to my car and forgot my car keys so instead on running back upstairs I decided to just walk to the walgreens. I got over there and a car pulled up as I was walking in and some crazy ass looking guy walks out. I got all paranoid cause I'm a chic and its 2am and I'm high off my ass. I go in and grab my pepsi and get out. The guy was right behind me in the checkout. I started tweaking and flew like a bat outta hell back to my apt. Well I didn't see the parking block and tripped. I tried to keep my balance and started running/gimping right over to a dumpster into a possum (yes a goddam possum!) the f*ker hisses at me and I am scared its going to be chasing me. I barely had any balance but I continued to run all the way back up to my apt. lol.

I know it sounds more dramatic than it prolly was lol but I don't think I would have tweaked nearly as bad if I wasn't high. lol. But I lived!! :clap:


Well-Known Member
†LHFAO† that made me laugh, but damn it sounds like it hurt...
I'm not sure if this fits the topic,
but years ago three friends and I were at a park, it was nighttime and we were in my car. My friend had just finished rolling a joint, and I look in the rearview mirror and we see a cop pulling into the parking lot, and they're is no other exit, My friend panics, and throws the joint in his mouth, and we are all shitting ourselves because 2 of us have oz's. †LHAO† Fucking cop had a hooker in the passanger seat!!! While he was driving past us he had his hand up blocking his view like he was either making it a point not to see us, or he didn't want us to see his face, and drives behinds some trees and we see him park and the lights go off. I here my friend in the back saying "well, the goodnews is, I didn't finish eating the joint, and he pulls it out of his mouth, he hadn't even bit it, it was just covered in slober...†LOL† we left, he tore it open, rerolled it and we smoked that shit, but i will never forget that. To this day thats my favorite park ever, and I moved years ago...


†LHFAO† that made me laugh, but damn it sounds like it hurt...
I'm not sure if this fits the topic,
but years ago three friends and I were at a park, it was nighttime and we were in my car. My friend had just finished rolling a joint, and I look in the rearview mirror and we see a cop pulling into the parking lot, and they're is no other exit, My friend panics, and throws the joint in his mouth, and we are all shitting ourselves because 2 of us have oz's. †LHAO† Fucking cop had a hooker in the passanger seat!!! While he was driving past us he had his hand up blocking his view like he was either making it a point not to see us, or he didn't want us to see his face, and drives behinds some trees and we see him park and the lights go off. I here my friend in the back saying "well, the goodnews is, I didn't finish eating the joint, and he pulls it out of his mouth, he hadn't even bit it, it was just covered in slober...†LOL† we left, he tore it open, rerolled it and we smoked that shit, but i will never forget that. To this day thats my favorite park ever, and I moved years ago...

Ahahahaha! F*kin cops man! Damn I remember a similar story when I was tokin with a friend on 420 in a movie theatre parking lot of all places lol. And we had already smoked a blunt and we didn't have another swisher so she packed her bowl and she handed it to me and I had it up to my mouth and she then grabs it and starts yelling pig pig! omg piggy!! well a cop pulled right up by our car and I thought he had seen us for sure! but he just kept on driving and parked like a few spaces away. I drove to the Ihop across the street and we ran inside lol all freaked out!


Well-Known Member
Ahahahaha! F*kin cops man! Damn I remember a similar story when I was tokin with a friend on 420 in a movie theatre parking lot of all places lol. And we had already smoked a blunt and we didn't have another swisher so she packed her bowl and she handed it to me and I had it up to my mouth and she then grabs it and starts yelling pig pig! omg piggy!! well a cop pulled right up by our car and I thought he had seen us for sure! but he just kept on driving and parked like a few spaces away. I drove to the Ihop across the street and we ran inside lol all freaked out!
I bet you were scared as shit, wanted to throw that pipe as far from you as possible...†LOL†


Active Member
lol thats always shitty having a pig pull up beside u.

Its just like one time, me and 2 friends were just out picking up and we decided we would smoke a bowl in a tim hortens parking lot (A coffee shop). We had just finished packing a bubbler bowl and it was handed to my friend in the back seat. He takes a rip and passes it up, as he blows out his rip and the next one was just finished being taken, a nice car with a beautiful set of blue and red lights on top of the roof parks 2 spots over from us. The cops get out and go inside so we figure we would give it a couple minutes then take off. As we were looking around getting ready to start up the car we see another cop so we wait again but this time we didn't even get past a minute of the second set of cops going inside and another 2 cars showed up..

Man of all days and time to pick that parking lot.. Lol none the less we got the hell outta there drove down the road found a Mickey D's and proceeded to finish that bowl



Active Member
when i was like 14 we got all smoked up and decided to play get away or capture. so we decided to hide up on this garage roof. well i got to scared to jump when it came time to run. so i decided i would jump off the lower end of the pitched roof. and i caught the lady's close and the hook it was hang from right in the face. ripped off so much fo my ear broke my nose and had me bleeding everywhere. so my buddy comes up and says dude before you go home give me your weed so your mom dont find it. he didnt even walk me home. just took my weed. like 2 days later after i got stitched up and feeling better all my weeds was gone. man what a good friend wouldnt you say


Well-Known Member
when i was like 14 we got all smoked up and decided to play get away or capture. so we decided to hide up on this garage roof. well i got to scared to jump when it came time to run. so i decided i would jump off the lower end of the pitched roof. and i caught the lady's close and the hook it was hang from right in the face. ripped off so much fo my ear broke my nose and had me bleeding everywhere. so my buddy comes up and says dude before you go home give me your weed so your mom dont find it. he didnt even walk me home. just took my weed. like 2 days later after i got stitched up and feeling better all my weeds was gone. man what a good friend wouldnt you say
†LHAO† That is straight fucked up....should have told him to fuck off...you could have hid it...