World Series

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Well-Known Member
I wonder where all them shit-talking Phillies phans wandered off to?

It's good to know that all those towels they like to wave around will be good for something - crying towels.

Anybody who called the Phillies to win in less than seven games is out - sorry. Only one member who predicted a Phillies win is still in it. He called a Phillies victory in seven games.

The one member who called Yankees in five is still in. As are the five members who called for the Yankees to take it in six games, and the one member who called for the Yanks to take it in seven.
Yea thats bullshit the Yankees one I thought we were gonna at least make it to game 7 but Hideki was on fire tonight.I still hate the yankees but it was a good world series would of been even better if we kept going and whooped the Yankees ass in there house.And it looks like the majority vote did call it right with the yankees in 6.
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