workshop grow room?


I have a garage/workshop that im planing on truning into a grow room. Its got its own power meter. I wanted to find out if this would be a good idea? The workshop is in a safe area. But would the power useage ring some bells. Its about 800sqf and i plan on using 12x600w lights MH for veg and HPS for bud


Well-Known Member
thats allot of juice, what has been your usage in the past? i suppose since its a workshop you could be running power tools/equipment.


Well-Known Member
Wow, that's quite an operation you're planning. I too have an 800 sf shop and I am starting my first indoor grow. I built out an 11X6X8 room in a corner for my grow. 12 600s is pretty ambitious. A few questions come to mind. Are you in an area that will be warm enough for the plants while the lights are out? What are your plans to keep the bugs/rodents out? Exhaust?


Well-Known Member
Also, if anyone ever asks about power consumption, you can always say a friend is living there temporarily until he finds a place and he is using electricity for heat, tv, cooking, etc.


There's good in and out ventilation. winters coming up and where I live it gets cold and snows. but the shop has heating set up already. My only concern is power usage. It might look odd that a small 800sqf shop is using over 7200watts. I have never missed any bill payments I always pay my bills on time.


Well-Known Member
its a work shop, has tools and stuff, so be it, the electric company wants to make money, and you want to have high power tools in your work shop


Well-Known Member
tell em you bout a sun tan machine for the winter lol. on the reals though you sound pretty safe with electric. sounds like its guna be a sick ass grow