wonder woman


Active Member
Hi all,

I hope someone can answer my question please
at what distance should the light be from the plant?

I have a 600w sodium bulb
25 litre pots, compost, ionic nutrients and black treakle
also Uncle Ben's Topping Technique, I have 4 main colas
my plant is very healthy looking
I veged for approx 2 weeks, then topped, then another 2 weeks
light in veg approx 16inches from plant
on flower, I left at 16 inches until 2nd week and highered to 24 inches (as I realised they were to small and should be a lot bigger)
Im now on flower week 4 and plant is 22 inches tall
I read, as this is a medium to high plant, and as I have 25 litre pots, they should be approx 40 inches high

any tips please would be very welcome as I want to get my next grow perfect



Active Member
so I need to get them closer to the light and then higher the light to stop heat damage on a daily basis?
do i start this from veg? or in flower?
as I noticed Uncle bens topping technique slowed them down, shall I veg for longer?

thanks for the advice


Medical Grade

Well-Known Member
so if you put the light 1 foot away from the tops, and you come back the next day and find the tops only 6 inches away, yes you need to move the light again.


Well-Known Member
Put your hand underneath the light at the top of the plant and hold it there for one minute, if it remains a comfortable temperature, than you're all gravy :leaf:


Active Member
I think my prob was, the first grow I did was kc 33 and it just kept growing and growing, cloned this plant for years
i had probs with paradise seeds opium which i ended up with small plants and I just don't want the wonder woman going the same
I knew the solution would be simple, just didn't know what!!!!

thanks for all your time mate
