Wisconsin Possession and paraphernalia charges.


So my genius GF decided to get caught with a very small amount of pot and her pipe. Very small meaning less than 2 grams.

Anyone have experience with the sentencing of such things? Maybe some advice on how to plea or what actions to take? I know the max is 6 months and $1000 fine. Marijuana convictions in WI can also suspend your license for 6 months to 5 years.

What are the chances that she can plead guilty and walk out with no jail/probation/loss of drivers license?


Active Member
Have her get a lawyer. Don't try and wing it, don't plead guilty EVER and NEVER admit to the police anything. Most lawyers will talk to you for an hour free and tell you what you need to know. Then you can choose if you wanna try and do it yourself, or pay a retainer fee, the lawyer will do all of the paper work and such for you then.