Window grow, First timer, Lowryder i think?


Active Member
hay guys just thaught i put my lil plant up here for any tips/ advice you may have :)
I started by just puting a bagseed in some soil in the yard, I didnt think it would germ tbh but it did :) The guy i got it off said it was lowryder but i cant be sure of that. When would it be time to start LSTing?
thanks in advance :)
2011-06-14 10.34.40.jpg2011-06-14 10.34.58.jpg2011-06-14 10.35.05.jpg


Active Member
Thanks :) Im going to see how she goes and if need be ill lst and maybe top it aswell as i dont want a huge ass tree haha.
I like your tent btw its about the size id like :)


Well-Known Member
For your first grow I wouldn't LST. Just feed it, manage the pests, and take care of it. Use this time to learn the basics of gardening. Read read read. Take lots of notes. Then on your next grow try a new method and see if you can do better than your last crop.


Active Member
For your first grow I wouldn't LST. Just feed it, manage the pests, and take care of it. Use this time to learn the basics of gardening. Read read read. Take lots of notes. Then on your next grow try a new method and see if you can do better than your last crop.
Thanks for the advice, Ill keep this updated aswell. Theres afew thing i need to get like a PH monitor, and nuites, I do have some tomato plant feed somewhere. Looked at the plant tonight and i swear its grown about 7-10mm since i went to work haha.


Well-Known Member
When my seedlings were first started I had really bad stretching. I replanted them right up to the cotyledons and now they are growing just fine, so don't worry about it.


Active Member
Ok ill bear that in mind :). I think I will move them under a cfl soon as the sun isnt that great latly. It will need re-poting so ill do it when the time comes :) Im realy shocked at how much it grows in such short time. I just gota resist the urge to do something to the plant, Like water it hahaha


Maan... No LSTing no topping if it's an auto waste of time and potential..... Transplanting the stretchy stems and moving under the lights or morE sunlight will help..


Active Member
*Update* & catch up.
Day 5.
2011-06-16 19.48.16.jpg2011-06-16 19.47.51.jpg

2011-06-17 18.01.47.jpg2011-06-17 18.01.59.jpg2011-06-17 18.02.05.jpg

Day7. (Wooo a week! doesnt seem that long at all!)
2011-06-18 18.07.07.jpg2011-06-18 18.07.49.jpg
As you can see, it plants been moved into a small box that im planning to make into a grow box. Im going to mylar or use the back side of tin foil to line it out, Aswell as more lights when i can fund it. The bulb its under is 1200lumen how many lumens should i be aiming for? You can see the next set of leaves coming throught aswell :) excited :)



Active Member
shes now dead :( well opend the curtains and forgot it was there and SNAP! :( get my nex one growing soon tho :) just making a box now :) altho im toying with just buying a tent.