Wilted, Sad, & Moist OUT OF NO WHERE! (pic)


Active Member
I know I know I know... Their are a bunch of post similar to mine.... EXCEPT I DON'T CARE! :lol: I want answers directed to my problem :)

As you can see in the picture out of my 10 seedlings of 2 different strains (Master Bubba & Sweet ATF) 1 is not happy.
This all happen while the lights were off for their 6 hour sleep. I figured it was because I had just watered them & their was no light to jump start her/him back.
Now once the lights have been on for a few hours now, the little guy is still sad and wilted.

Running 6400 lumen in the form of 4 100w equivalent CFL
heat is fluxing from 86-90 ( I know this is hot but they have been fine thus far. (I plan to fix this in the next few days)
watering every other day (the rockwool stays moist)
I have been also using a root stimulator

My only thought could be that the roots are hitting the bottom of the pot but they are only 8 days old, so I don't think that could be the case.



Active Member
WHAT!? Are you guys offended I said I don't care their are other threads about this....?
I do care!
The issue is I need some new info because water, light, & exhaust is not the issue, if all the other babes are going just fine.

CUM ON her tits dudes, help me out!


Well-Known Member
I'm pretty sure that you're the one killer 'her', not us.

It's probably going to die, and it's your fault. As for what you're doing to it, I have no idea. What's your PH?


Well-Known Member
You said your grow is from 86-90...And they're from seed, so maybe you got a phenotype that is intolerant to heat. You ALSO said the rockwool stays moist, and you water every 2 days, is that pot draining enough? Maybe it's damping off. Says wet and cool conditions, so who knows...

Damping off (or damping-off) is a horticultural disease or condition, caused by a number of different pathogens that kill or weaken seeds or seedlings before or after they germinate. It is most prevalent in wet and cool conditions.[SUP][1][/SUP]


Active Member
You said your grow is from 86-90...And they're from seed, so maybe you got a phenotype that is intolerant to heat. You ALSO said the rockwool stays moist, and you water every 2 days, is that pot draining enough? Maybe it's damping off. Says wet and cool conditions, so who knows...

Damping off (or damping-off) is a horticultural disease or condition, caused by a number of different pathogens that kill or weaken seeds or seedlings before or after they germinate. It is most prevalent in wet and cool conditions.[SUP][1][/SUP]
I would also think it's a heat issue but this particular seedling was doing great up until a few hours ago. I could not tell the difference from this one to the other seedlings that are all doing well.
The pot it's in is draining well, I would presume. I water them in a draining tray & bounce them a few times before putting them back in the light box.
Hmmmm... I really can't figure out why this one is singled out.
I guess it could be this damping off condition your speaking of. I just hope it doesn't spread.

Thanks for the advise!


Well-Known Member
And my temps don't get above 86, and I still need to water the rockwool every day or I see them drooping, but the rockwool is dry...You said yours stays moist. I actually have seedlings about the same age as yours in flood and drain, in hydroton in 5" and 7" circular pots, and 8" square pots. I have a bunch, and if I have the fans pointed downward the rockwool dries out fast and they're prone to toppling over.


Active Member
And my temps don't get above 86, and I still need to water the rockwool every day or I see them drooping, but the rockwool is dry...You said yours stays moist. I actually have seedlings about the same age as yours in flood and drain, in hydroton in 5" and 7" circular pots, and 8" square pots. I have a bunch, and if I have the fans pointed downward the rockwool dries out fast and they're prone to toppling over.
The pots they are in are small started pots 3 1/2".
I've taken the sad little seedling out of the box. I will keep it out all night & in the morning hope it has jumped back. If not I guess I will crack open the rockwool and see if their are any tell tale signs.


Active Member
Put a light fan on um, to prevent damp off, and get those leaves transpiring.
I lost the seedling last night. It wilted up and the stem turned brittle...

NOW! Another seedling started to do the same thing.
It's as if one dies another one shortly after starts to die.



Well-Known Member
Hmmm...well if it was damping off then you need to let the tiny plants dry a little before next you water...


Well-Known Member
But we're not sure if it IS damping off, it was merely speculation on my part. Could be a lot of things. When I first started hydro, I jumped in head first without reading, and had my seeds in top-drip watering 30 mintues on, 30 minutes off...Never lost a seedling, they just didn't grow in 3 weeks until I changed up my watering schedule and started researching and asking questions. So I don't even fully understand damping off. His seedling looks like seedlings I've seen in the past that wilted from LACK of water, but always perked back up after given fresh water...

Speaking of water, what is your wwater source, White?

Buck, even if is it Nice Ol' Bud, this dude is still trying to grow and needs advice..."we should guide his cock, not block it."