Will You Exist After Death?

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
I think your spirit lives on to......the unexplained is just that....unexplained. I keep an open mind to everything.

Religion on the other hand is iffy with me...every society and culture in the world has religion, so there must be something there if religion still exsists. But i also think its misinterpreted by many. I think religion was put in place to keep society in line, to keep mankind legit and give them something to fear and repect. I also think the Gods could have been aliens to. Gotta keep an open mind homies!


Well-Known Member
Your asking for my personal opinion, no there isn't a god or intelligent designer.

The way I blow through your posts, I'm sorry friend but I made my decision that religion is not for me long before I was even a registered member at RIU.

No I believe I didn't start the god conversation, OP asked a question and I awnsered it.

I was also responding to the insult of being close minded, who is to say anyone is closed minded. Lol, this is why I don't debate god. Politics is another thing though.
sorry dude, not you, that was aimed at cannibusguru.

im on your side secretweapon.


Well-Known Member
how do you know? im not saying there is or isnt but you could be wrong, i could be wrong, we could both be wrong or both right to some extent or....we can both be right and wrong at the same time.

you are you, regardless of your form here, if there is a you in soul form then no matter who you are here you are still you.

no matter where you go, there you are.
i said..i dont know either way, i believe there is no god or afterlife....there is no way to know for sure other than to die and find out....which i'm in no hurry to do. i have 3 years in college studying religions....i could go on for hours on why i think this way....

the other questions are answered in my previous posts.
its the anticipation that gets to me. i want to learn and while like you i have no desire to die any time soon, i'm rather curious if i have a soul and if anything happens to me after i die besides losing my mortal shell. maybe i dont have a soul and when i die that's the end of my life cycle and who i was does not exist in any way shape or form. i personally believe that but it's not like i have a choice, i'll find out one day one way or the other. i have no expectations but i look forward to finding out but if what i think is true then i wont learn anything as i wont exist after my death.

im just gonna enjoy the ride until it's over.


Well-Known Member
^^ right on man, we share different beliefs but our thinking is the exact same.

the sad thing is...if i'm right....i'll never know....its kinda of depressing and satisfying at the same time.


Active Member
Bloody hope not this life has been hard enough , never mind when I die & my soul is wondering around like something lost !!!!!!!!
^^ right on man, we share different beliefs but our thinking is the exact same.

the sad thing is...if i'm right....i'll never know....its kinda of depressing and satisfying at the same time.
yeah the whole not knowing what happens because nothing happens is a big let down waiting to happen. i'd at least like to know "ok i dont have a soul, there's no heaven, hell or anything else, i'm dead and that's it for me, the end."

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
I watched "Ancient Aleins" series last week...it was pretty good cuz they explored other explantions about were we come from. Good watch if you havnt seen it. Like i said tho you gotta keep an open mind.
I watched "Ancient Aleins" series last week...it was pretty good cuz they explored other explantions about were we come from. Good watch if you havnt seen it. Like i said tho you gotta keep an open mind.
i like that series of shows. it's interesting and gives some food for thought.

what we know compared to what we dont know is like putting a grain of sand next to the size of the universe. i think we as humans are still very stupid and have a long way to go before we really learn a lot about a lot of things we cant even comprehend at the moment.

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
i like that series of shows. it's interesting and gives some food for thought.

what we know compared to what we dont know is like putting a grain of sand next to the size of the universe. i think we as humans are still very stupid and have a long way to go before we really learn a lot about a lot of things we cant even comprehend at the moment.
Totally agreed ...we think we are the master civilization....but someone helped us along i think :)


Well-Known Member
i am, everything else is interchangeable.

even if you changed all my habits, preferences, appearance and form, id still be me.

i will live after death, my experiences and logic tell me so.

but this person, that talks to you now, with this name and form, will never again exist.

life colours us so. differerent family, different genes and different life and so on, meet me again in a different life or reborn in this one (you having met the both of me)
you would probably be very hard put to recognize me, even if you believed in reincarnation.

i would still have my wisdom, (would in fact be wiser next time) but not as a kid, not until i had matured again bodily and mentally (like a flower unfolding each summer, the top dying but the roots living on)

but all my mannerisms and way of speech would be gone (at least mostly)

id be a totally different person, yet not.

i am always me, whatever has been changed.

and life is always precious, infinite or not. even just existing at all, is a miracle in of itself.