Will You Exist After Death?

Kartel Kriminal

Active Member
Suppose that your soul could survive death. Suppose that at death your soul loses all memory of its past life, and all memories of who and what you were are completely erased from your soul. Suppose, also, that all personality traits, beliefs, desires, preferences, and all other conscious qualities are erased. Will you still exist after death? Why or why not. The purpose of this paper is to answer that hypothetical question using my own personal opinion and reasoning.



Well-Known Member
What are you if you are not your memories, traits, beliefs, etc.? If none of that continues to exists in this hypothetical soul, then no, you don't exist anymore.
^^exactly. if everything that is you is gone, then you are not you.
how do you know this? how do you not know that you are currently just a version of who you are to begin with? what i mean is, you are you, an empty soul and put into a human body and live as a human. what if you are put into an animal's body, it's still your soul, are you then not yourself?

i dont know if it is so or not but it is possible there is two different kinds of us, a higher plane consisting of just a soul that holds no memory of the mortal us that lives on this plane. hard to know if the higher plane us doesnt remember shit from our mortal lives. but i'm playing along with the idea suggested and answering the question according to what i think.

anything is possible including not having a soul and we just cease to exist period when we die here and there is no higher plane we exist on.

we could also discuss one of the ideas of string theory that there are endless other alternative universes similar to this one each containing us but in each one we are a different type of person, instead of poor you might be rich, instead of being a regular joe you might be a movie star. it is also stated that it is possible that each time we make a choice here it creates another alternate universe where we make a different choice from the one here. interesting idea but no way to prove or disprove it but fun to ponder.


Well-Known Member
Well I have been waiting for one of my past away buddies to write me and let me know what the after life is about. No letter yet


Well-Known Member
your spirit will live on..

given to you from an experienced 'death experience' victim. ;)

I actually just mentioned this in a different thread.. but yeah I've told my story and posted it somewhere on here. Don't have the link. Long story short, I shouldn't be here today.. but I am. Or am I? I wouldn't know the difference.. none of you would. ;) Just something to really think about..

also, as I've said before.. you have to be open minded about the subject.



Well-Known Member
Your dead, no soul, no afterlife, nothing. Once this is understood life can be interpreted as very precious.
a non believer. the afterlife is real my friend.. your just too close minded to understand that. And its really not even your fault per say.. because you haven't had your own experience.. -yet. ;)

and as long as you remain close minded on the subject.. you'll never understand and once your time is up.. you'll die being a non believer.. therefore your afterlife will be exactly what you believe in.. which apparently is nothing; emptiness; black; negative.



Well-Known Member
how do you know this?.
how do we know anything? how do you know you're actually alive right now? how do you know this keyboard we're typing on is really there? why is a can a can?

we can get into lots of whats and hows....most of which have no real right answer.

but to brush on your question, being a different version of yourself isnt being yourself is it? so it wouldnt be you, just your body, a vessel. so i guess if me right now is a different version of who i once was, then this is the new me, and after i die there will be a new "new" me, the cycle never ends, constantly making new me's. eventually, assuming all things are equal, there would be similar versions of me popping up and if it went on for all eternity, then eventually there would be an exact "me" that is the me right now, meaning there would be repeats.

but there is no god or after life, so this is all just hogwash.
and no i'm not closed minded just because i dont believe in god (to whomever said that)....i have studied religion, mythology and philosophy in college...tried to understand people's beliefs...pretty sure that makes me open minded.

that the best part of philosophy, questioning everything. philosophy in college is actually what made me become a non believer.


Well-Known Member
a non believer. the afterlife is real my friend.. your just too close minded to understand that. And its really not even your fault per say.. because you haven't had your own experience.. -yet. ;)

and as long as you remain close minded on the subject.. you'll never understand and once your time is up.. you'll die being a non believer.. therefore your afterlife will be exactly what you believe in.. which apparently is nothing; emptiness; black; negative.

how do you know the afterlife is real? have you been there? do you know anyone who has died? i do, my dad was dead for almost 3 minutes, he is a hard core catholic....he said he never saw any lights or anything...just pure nothingness.


Active Member
a non believer. the afterlife is real my friend.. your just too close minded to understand that. And its really not even your fault per say.. because you haven't had your own experience.. -yet. ;)

and as long as you remain close minded on the subject.. you'll never understand and once your time is up.. you'll die being a non believer.. therefore your afterlife will be exactly what you believe in.. which apparently is nothing; emptiness; black; negative.

Yep I'm close minded... lol its pretty selfish imo to think your going to live on forever, to me that sounds like fear. Yes it was depressing finally understanding death but to me, everything has a beginning and an end, when it ends its over.

Also the closest level I've been on to understanding religion is tripping on shrooms. I realized its all control, I also realized its also not for me. From that crazy night on I went looking for my truth and I found it in science.

Have you ever fallen asleep then woken up the next day without any recollection that you slept at all? to me that nothingness is exactly that, total shutdown.


Well-Known Member
you don't believe in God? Or Jesus?

mmmm.. well, each to their own.

I'm done with this thread.. because I don't need to hear debates about God or Jesus. I have no doubt that he's real.. and again, until you go through an experience like mine.. you'll never be a believer (more than likely). You fall into the 'close minded' group... and so like I said before.. you will always be a non believer with no faith.. and once your time here on Earth is up.. you'll die a non believer.. and your afterlife will be filled with black space.. negativity... sourness...it will be nothing.

Have fun.. ;)



Well-Known Member
Yep I'm close minded... lol its pretty selfish imo to think your going to live on forever, to me that sounds like fear. Yes it was depressing finally understanding death but to me, everything has a beginning and an end, when it ends its over.

Also the closest level I've been on to understanding religion is tripping on shrooms. I realized its all control, I also realized its also not for me. From that crazy night on I went looking for my truth and I found it in science.

Your taking this too literally... and its because of your close mindedness. ;)

But hey, we are each our own person.. and each have our own beliefs.. so there ya go.

I'm done with this thread because there's no point in getting into an argument over religion because like I said.. we're all our own person with our own individual beliefs.. so there it is. I'm done.

peace.. and good luck.


Well-Known Member
lol way to just blow by our posts and cut and run...typical. you are obviously the closed minded one my friend, not willing to hear and try to understand our side...just be stubborn and know that you're right.

i can admit there is a chance there is a god...can you admit there is a chance there isn't? who is closed minded here?

and didnt you start this god conversation?


Well-Known Member
ganjaluvr is brainwashed:)

ya know, weed is supposed to open your mind, help ya think critically.

maybe you need more:)


Active Member
Think about Muslim extremist, more specifically religious suicide bombers, what is the justification they make to end human life. The promise of an afterlife, not just any afterlife, the most awesome afterlife any man would want. Then to use this idea to do harm to others in the name of god. Religion will be the downfall of man.

I'm an atheist and I can coexist. I'll smoke dank with anyone, even you.


Active Member
lol way to just blow by our posts and cut and run...typical. you are obviously the closed minded one my friend, not willing to hear and try to understand our side...just be stubborn and know that you're right.

i can admit there is a chance there is a god...can you admit there is a chance there isn't? who is closed minded here?

and didnt you start this god conversation?
Your asking for my personal opinion, no there isn't a god or intelligent designer.

The way I blow through your posts, I'm sorry friend but I made my decision that religion is not for me long before I was even a registered member at RIU.

No I believe I didn't start the god conversation, OP asked a question and I awnsered it.

I was also responding to the insult of being close minded, who is to say anyone is closed minded. Lol, this is why I don't debate god. Politics is another thing though.
how do we know anything? how do you know you're actually alive right now? how do you know this keyboard we're typing on is really there? why is a can a can?

we can get into lots of whats and hows....most of which have no real right answer.

but to brush on your question, being a different version of yourself isnt being yourself is it? so it wouldnt be you, just your body, a vessel. so i guess if me right now is a different version of who i once was, then this is the new me, and after i die there will be a new "new" me, the cycle never ends, constantly making new me's. eventually, assuming all things are equal, there would be similar versions of me popping up and if it went on for all eternity, then eventually there would be an exact "me" that is the me right now, meaning there would be repeats.

but there is no god or after life, so this is all just hogwash.
and no i'm not closed minded just because i dont believe in god (to whomever said that)....i have studied religion, mythology and philosophy in college...tried to understand people's beliefs...pretty sure that makes me open minded.

that the best part of philosophy, questioning everything. philosophy in college is actually what made me become a non believer.
it's an exercise in getting you to think. the answers are not the goal, it's the journey to them that matters. nothing can be real and yet everything can be real. i claim to know nothing but what i believe to be real but i dont say things are real or so with 100% certainty because honestly i dont believe i know enough to say anything with 100% confidence that i'm right. i could be wrong about everything or nothing, i just dont know what i'm right about and wrong about. will i know on day? maybe, maybe not. it's just fun to ponder the what ifs and not to take it all too seriously as we g down the path of our lives. call it whimsical thinking or an exercise in opening ones mind to being wrong and accepting that we could be wrong about what we believe to be so. that's the wonderful thing about our minds, we can believe and choose to follow what we want.

but there is no god or after life, so this is all just hogwash.
how do you know? im not saying there is or isnt but you could be wrong, i could be wrong, we could both be wrong or both right to some extent or....we can both be right and wrong at the same time.

you are you, regardless of your form here, if there is a you in soul form then no matter who you are here you are still you.

no matter where you go, there you are.