Will this be good for flowering


Hey all im bout to start flowering i was thinking of using african voilet food 11-12-13 with pk 13/14 will this be enough for my plants


Well-Known Member
I think it has too much nitrogen. A 5.10.10 fertilizer would do better. There's all kinds of information about that in the tutorials.

Grumpy Old Dreamer

Well-Known Member
Looks like you are an Aussie so grab a packet of "Bloom Booster" by Manutec - it's 6.2 / 14.6 / 16.8

A 250g pack cost about $5.00 and 5g makes up 5 litres - use weekly as a foliar feed and for root feeding.



Yeah i now that but i was reading something were it was saying to keep the n p k similar to each other i carnt remember it all il try and find it