will this be enough to veg


I plan to add mylar to this cupboard but could I get away with vegging a plant without it I will have it by flowering
The lights on the side are 23w each 2700k
And there will be 2 65w 6500k CFLs added to the powerboard will this grow?


Well-Known Member
Yeah sure it will grow. It won't grow fast or produce a brick of bud, but it will grow. If you don't get around to the mylar at least paint the walls flat white.


Active Member
You don't NEED mylar to grow. Does it help? Yea, I'm sure it does. But, you can grow in a wooden cabinet just fine. You do get the reflective benefits of the mylar and probably make more efficient use of your lights if you have it.

I'd be more concerned about having enough lights. Personally, even for a small grow, I'd want at least 150 actualy watts. Which means about 6 of those 23w cfls. Don't now where you're located, but you can pick up a 6 pack of 23 w cfls at Lowe's or Home Depot for about 12 bucks. Grab a couple of those clamp lamps(about 7 bucks) and a couple of Y-splitters(a buck or 2 a piece) and take the reflector off the clamp light, screw in the splitter and then put 2 bulbs in each one. Also, you wanna keep em about 2 1/2 to 3 inches from the plant. Good Luck! What strain are you growing?


Bagseed I can't buy seeds unfortunately and I will have 150w of actual wattage please read the first post more carefully

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

Well-Known Member
The 23 watts you are using now are 2700K, which is typically used for the flower mode, 6500K is much better for vegging'
Also you need to get you lights much closer, like 2 inches max.
Dr. Jekyll

Your math skills are somewhat lacking as (2 x 65w = 130w) + (2 x 23w = 46w) = 176 watts, we shall assume you have a Jethro Bodine grade 12 education, took grade 6 twice
Mr. Hyde


Well-Known Member
I never mix my lights, but I'm no pro either. I just use mh for veg, hps for flower. And no offense dude, but you need to fix them cords... Dangling in the air like that I don't think is good. Plus you need lights closer.. And on top of the plant not touching, but within a inch or two or it's gonna stretch like a bitch,

Jus Naturale

Active Member
You'll be able to veg just fine, but I would absolutely agree with the notion that the more wattage, the better. The Y splitter thing is a great way to surround the plant in light, as you can even connect a few to get several bulbs on one lamp if you so desire. As for spectrum, I tend to thing that mixed spectrum is best, as it more closely mimics the changing light conditions throughout the day outside. I do think that you would be well-served to get up the mylar or white paint sooner than later. The dark wood will absorb a lot of the energy from the light that would otherwise be bounced back to the plant, and in absorbing the energy, will get warmer. Trust me when I say, CFLs can produce a good amount of heat, too, so make sure you have adequate airflow. After leaving the wife to watch the plants one day, she forgot about them and they nearly fried. Finally, I produced some pretty rock hard buds by keeping the CLFs within an inch of the forming buds, so that's what I'd suggest: the closer the better with adequate airflow that they don't get burned. Ok, a few of the leaf fingertips may get singed but that's a sacrifice I'm willing to make for dense, frosty buds. :lol:

Sorry for the rambling post, but I'm a little baked atm.



Thanks everyone :) what would be a good way to add ventilation that don't require cutting holes in my cupboard ? Cheap as possible


Well-Known Member
You can't ad ventilation without having some sort of opening being cut.... It's impossible..

cheap as possible? Why not man up and spend the extra to get it done right the first time instead of cheaping out and having it done twice...


Active Member
Bagseed I can't buy seeds unfortunately and I will have 150w of actual wattage please read the first post more carefully
Sorry I didn't "read more carefully" when trying to help you out. I saw that you said the lights on the side are 23w and you will be adding 2 65w. I took that as currently, you only have 46 actual watts. I wouldn't try to veg her out without adding those and more, and getting them closer with more efficient spacing.


Well-Known Member
I think the best thing to do if you are asking for advice is to be appreciative. You seem like the dick here to me.


OK sorry let's start fresh I don't want to ruin my chances of being a part of this community I don't mean to come across like I do :s


Thanks for all those interesting facts, I posted the question about vegging a plant so all the fuckin post hijackers are finished, try adding a new thread guys dont steal ma post, dicks:fire: