Will This Be Enough Light For Small Grow


Active Member
Hi Everyone, New to the site..have been doing alot of research with our first grow. Right now I have 4 CFL's at 23W.. Will this be ideal for 6 plants? If not what would be better 43W CFL or more fixtures? Thanks For The Help!!



Active Member
Hi Everyone, New to the site..have been doing alot of research with our first grow. Right now I have 4 CFL's at 23W.. Will this be ideal for 6 plants? If not what would be better 43W CFL or more fixtures? Thanks For The Help!!
Thats a bad set up mate, Look at the 1st picture. You shouldnt have them pots above that electric socket, Unless you take them out the room to feed/water them. But even still you may have some run off.

I would rethink your set up if i was you, And to your original question i cant see 6 plants doing well under 4x 23w. Look into some bigger CFL's 200/250w


Well-Known Member
yea the pot above the socket is a bad idea.
but i would recomend having more like 6x 23W CFLS per plant to get a good yeild. or even 6 per 2 plants. 23W cfls put out about 1300 lumens, its recomended to have 10,000 lumens per square foot to get the full potential of the plant.


Active Member
Thanks for the pointers, didn't really think of run off there..Going to move the strip to the back wall.. So 6 per plant or two? are 200 + W made to fit in fixture?


Well-Known Member
you can fit 2 or 3 bulbs in each fixture if you get some Y addapters. u can get them at home depot, lowes,etc.. for like $2 a piece.
id recomend that once the plants start to get some height to hang bulbs in between them, just from the wire with no fixture so the light spreads every where. when i used CFLs this made getting light to the entire plant ALOT easier.