Will they Survive .....What do i do?


Well-Known Member
They are super stretched too put a soft blue spectrum light about as close to your plants as possible, I use the whole if it burns ur finger it will burn your plants...

Iron Lungz23

Well-Known Member
Gday mate,

What are u using for ventilation? Looks like your plants are not getting the correct temperature or humidity levels. U need an intake fan(fresh air) and outlet fan(expelled air).


Well-Known Member
Gday mate,

What are u using for ventilation? Looks like your plants are not getting the correct temperature or humidity levels. U need an intake fan(fresh air) and outlet fan(expelled air).

since my grow is in a closet the only thing i can do for ventilation is open the door maybe i can move the fan so its blowing in cool area from the room...


Well-Known Member
ok i changed the angle of my fan its still close to the same height but i have it between the door so its pulling in the cool air from the room and the hot air is escaping thru the top....

LAX Skunky BwS

Well-Known Member
i keep telling you Cuh...u need to transfer that hot air out and move fresh air in... if u was growing with CFL's u can prolly get away with not having ventilation.. but u got a 400 watt HID system u need ventilation and have a concealed growing area ... no light leaks


Well-Known Member
You are wayyyy off base here. You're a new grower trying to start with a 400w HID with no proper ventilation?

Why are people telling you to put your 400w HID right down on seedlings? Go out and get yourself some CFL's. Just get like 1 27w per plant you are growing.

Put those above your plants until they have a few leafsets. Once they have matured a little and can handle being BLASTED by the light go ahead and upgrade them to the one light. But you have to find a way to keep that room cool.

I know you think this is going to be easy, but it seems to me you have a very limited chance of success.

You're going to have odor problems due to poor ventilation, poor filtration (can't have one without the other), heat problems, light leaks, etc. Should focus more on getting and ample grow room setup BEFORE focusing so much on the plants themselves. It helps ensure success which is what you want.

Good Luck and happy growing, make sure to check out the GrowFAQ on here, couldn't be more useful.


Well-Known Member
Honestly guys i hear what your saying but i dont no what to do.... Ive spent evnuf money on lights and stuff.... Im growing out of a closet i dont no what to do for ventilation..but open the door what else can i do... i mean i wanna be susscessful in this but im not sure how to go about it....


Well-Known Member
here are some pics of my grow area please give me some pointers so i can make this better....how could i do better with ventilation. how can i do better with light leaks and so forth.... i dont want all this money to go to waste....



Well-Known Member
maybe when i get my mylar i can place it on all the ways and in between the door jam and the door so i can cut a hole for the fan on the bottom and place another fan blowing the hot air out the top....???? and that would help with the giant gap i have for the light escaping I dont no Guys just help me....

LAX Skunky BwS

Well-Known Member
if u wanna .. u can drill like a 6 to 8 inch round hole on your door and have a inline duct fan exhaust you closet... thats if u wanna go that route so u can keep your closet door closed... jus an idea


Well-Known Member
and that duct fan u can prolly get at a home depot or lowes for like 30$ at most

i mean that sounds good but i live in an apartment i can cut a hole in the door...

ok what if i build something that covers the gap....how would i mount a fan inside to make the air leave...just have a fan at the top blowing out and a fan at the bottom blowing in....


Well-Known Member
damn...man .... just bc i cant shut the door i cant grow fucking trees thats whack man.....if i got a tent thats another 3 or 400 i would have to spend....


Well-Known Member
There has to be a way for me to salvage my grow area....
Dude, there is...drill the door.

The door is only like $50 to replace. Don't scrap everything over that little problem.

I was trying to find pictures of my door, but I have to go home first.

I always drill what I need, the cost of an interior door is minimal.