Will these lights work for growing?


Active Member
They are the standard fluorescent low-energy bulbs handed out by the government (pah!) about a year ago allover the UK. Ive been told by a few mates they will work, but others say no. So i thought i'd ask some more in-the-know people :weed:

Here are some pictures:

:weed: :weed: :weed:


Active Member
i got 2 of them but i should be able to 'acquire' a few more if needed

**Sorry about the hench picture size...**


Well-Known Member
You need much more Lumens, that only has 800.
A 65 watt will give you 4500 lumens. Add three of those and u can get a decent Bud.


Active Member
your self a 400 watt Hps..55,000 Lumens
its a stealth closet grow, probably in a PC case. i dont have the money nor the way of getting a light like that.

im too young to have a credit card so i would have to buy them with my dads... and im sure he would love to know why im buying them... :cry:


Active Member
Today i managed to get my hands on a box of lights like this:

In total, i have 15 of the bigger ones, 15 of the smaller and the two from my first post.

But i have no plugs for them. Where can i buy them?


Active Member
go to the nearest hardware store and go by the extension cords and lights they sell these little things that your bulb screws right into and then you just plug it into a cord thats what im doin, you will have to buy some extension cords so you can plug em into tho