Will these grow?


I planted the germinated seeds today, I made a box wrapped in foil wrap to give the plants some reflexion of the sunlight and it also feels pretty warm inside the box. Basicly i'm not trying to get the best smoke or a giant yield from these things, This is just something I wanna try out and (hopefully) get SOME smoke out of them. All i want to know is will they grow/sprout since im growing them in my window sill? And does the box have any use or should i ditch it? Im using organic soil and i'm keeping the window open in the day time to let some air in. i'll eventually put them both in big pots when (if) they get bigger ... The weather in Alabama is great at the moment, usually from 70f - 80f right now. My house tempature always sits at around 70 - 74 degrees. Once again, i know this isnt the best way to grow weed im just trying something new out lol.

Would be thankfull for some advice =)DSCN1369.jpg


Well-Known Member
Will they grow? Sure. How big/great? Probably not amazing, especially if they are staying in those containers. If you keep them in the window your flower cycle will be completely dependent on nature. The box could keep water from getting on your window sill I guess, or on your carpet. Usually when you water, water will leak out the bottom of your container, but you would really want something plastic that doesn't absorb water. They sell cheap drip trays at any local store in the gardening center. They are like 10 cents.


Oh okay thanks for your input, I'm deffinately switching them out of those containers to pots when they actually sprout and become a plant lol, I just gotta buy some.


bud bootlegger
sure they will grow just fine as babies, but imo, they'd do much better outdoors once it stays warm for a good period of time, i'd try and move them outside if you have a good spot to hide them in..

i've grown mj plants pretty large in a window sill as a teenager.. mine would get about 18 inches or so tall before i would get nervous and kill them, lol...
but yah, grow them till they get about that size, and move them permanately outdoors in huge ass containers and you'll have more bud than you'll know what to do with..


sure they will grow just fine as babies, but imo, they'd do much better outdoors once it stays warm for a good period of time, i'd try and move them outside if you have a good spot to hide them in..

i've grown mj plants pretty large in a window sill as a teenager.. mine would get about 18 inches or so tall before i would get nervous and kill them, lol...
but yah, grow them till they get about that size, and move them permanately outdoors in huge ass containers and you'll have more bud than you'll know what to do with..
Yeah thats what im gonna do, Every time ive grown weed outdoors they've always died off because lack of soil, water, rookie mistakes, etc. I'll wait til they grow a good little bit and probably move them outside to a big pot with some good soil. Thanks for replying.


bud bootlegger
Yeah thats what im gonna do, Every time ive grown weed outdoors they've always died off because lack of soil, water, rookie mistakes, etc. I'll wait til they grow a good little bit and probably move them outside to a big pot with some good soil. Thanks for replying.
no problem m8... so long as you provide them with ample water and food and plenty of sunshine, they will grow up to be nice sized trees, giving plenty of bud in the process..
just make sure that you have a nice spot that no one will find and you should be good to go...
g/ l with the grow, and if you have any more direct questions, don't be afraid to ask... :)

Swisher Sweet

Active Member
Night time temps are important make sure your low overnight isn't under 60 degrees. In Alabama I would assume April or May. You need to check that one. Other wise in that climate you should do really well outdoors if you follow the instructions above.


Well-Known Member
Well what you need is something black more than you need something reflective...MJ as a window plant needs a good bit of warmth or they end up acting as if they are overwatered...slow growth splotchy appearance, weak stems..anyway a black pot or something is better as it will hold the heat and heat up the roots and make a big defference in the growth overall...and a plant can take cooler top temps if it's bottom is warmer...so on and so forth..anyway black pot...foil refelcts the heat and light...you need the heat to stick to the pots...


Thanks for all of yalls advice. I decided to invest in a grow light, some good soil and some large black pots. Right now i got the two seedlings under a light in my closet and they've sprouted. So far they look pretty strong and healthy. When they get a little bigger and the weather warms up im gonna move them into my pots outside and let them do their thing out there. But is it okay for them to be transferred from inside to outside after they've been raised under a light? I wont be able to keep them in my closet for too long because i dont have the ammount of lighting i should have to grow weed.