Will my plant still ripen after trimming all the fan leaves??


Well-Known Member
I trimmed my plant today and almost harvested it. But I figured I'd get some opinions first. A lot of folks are saying let it ripen longer. Can it still ripen after such a trimming?



Well-Known Member
You have probably shocked the shite out of it and it will take a bit to recover. Why in earth did you do that?


Well-Known Member
it looks like it is done unless you got a lot of time 2 months to recover. nexttime flower it for 75 to 90 days for best results.


Well-Known Member
I trimmed my plant today and almost harvested it. But I figured I'd get some opinions first. A lot of folks are saying let it ripen longer. Can it still ripen after such a trimming?
Oh dear...............(headbang)


Well-Known Member
I kept posting threads asking for help to judge it. I got no response. I almost chopped it down. I figured I'd consult with you guys first. I have very little light. Is that a factor? I know darkness is very important. It can't have but so much longer. It's been flowering since like the beginning of Nov. I guess Imma just have to breakdown and go get a magnifying glass!


Well-Known Member
Consider it chopped lmfao.........muha
Sorry Get some more opinions....
I am new at this.
Post a thread that says you have pics in it you will get lots of better input.


Well-Known Member
its no loss man either way it dont look to bad, just leave it ther as usual and see what happens, if no changes in a week or 2 chop her down


Well-Known Member
dude you are not going to see any changes with that plant until a month plus minimum and it will probally be some lil ass baby leaves because you chopped all her damn limbs off. If I were you I would reveg that plant for 2.5 months then flower it for 75 days until ready. if you decide to do that dont worry it wont grow much taller but you may have end up with a cola as big as your leg.


Well-Known Member
that plant needed some more time dude. the pistils are still all white. you had the right idea, but you needed to wait until about a week before harvest. alot of growers take off the fan leafs just before harvest. do a little research next time. use google or something. dont rely on a message board.
as mentioned, let it live for another week or 2 or even 3, see what happens, learn from your mistakes.
lol, and dont let some of these jerkoffs get to you, as im sure you didnt. im positive most of the ballbreakers fail at growing.


Well-Known Member
It's been flowering since Nov. So, the only way it's gonna ripen is by re-veggin it? I can't just keep up the same long dark period?


Well-Known Member
ELee do not worry every body starts somewhere none of was born in a pot patch. In 10 years you will look back at this and laugh. Thanks for the laugh.


Well-Known Member
You didn't waste it, but what you did do is cost yourself potency. Now it just won't last you as long but it'll still do the job.

You did better than a lot of people just making it this far, just finish the chop and dry it out in the dark for 7 days or so.

No reason to wait, it won't be worth waiting for it to recover. By the time this even started to turn around a seed planted tomorrow would pass it by.