Wierdest Growth Ive Ever Seen..


Well-Known Member
Check this out, see how the leaf comes out from the main stem and then the branch comes out, well either side of that it is growing 2 more branches.. so that's 3 nodes from one location..
Any1 ever seen this before?



Well-Known Member

thats really bizzare tho seeing new growth at an existing node like that.
veddy intalestink

is that a mother, or a reveg?
im curious


Active Member
you wanna see my auto ak,althought that is cool!

it stopped growth on 1 side and sent off a MASSIVE side shoot that is now thicker than the main stalk,the damn thing has 3 main heads


Well-Known Member
Curious, does that weird growth seem to be growing any faster than the rest is at all? Or can't tell yet?


Well-Known Member
Iv only just noticed them, so it is hard to say for now, but this is something i will definitely b updating.


Well-Known Member
The growth in question is still growing, its only small so i wont bother with another picture just yet.. But it is healthy, so wateva it is the plant doesnt mind it being there..


Well-Known Member
Well, close to 3 weeks after i noticed the initial odd growth the update is that it doesnt seemed to of changed all too much, it is almost as small as it was then, and no more new nodes are growing it..

Guess it was just a freak thing!

Mr Bomb

Active Member
I cant really see the picture that great but what it sounds like is something I have never seen before. Your updates add more interest to it all since its is growing well it seems. Maybe its just a genetic thing or perhaps a one of a kind. Who knows, I hope it makes your smoke better.


Active Member
I think its just a genetic mutant. I have seen some wierd twisty plants over the years like that, I may still have some pics somewhere but they grow diferently to 'normal' plants. Do a search here for 'mutants' and you should see what I mean, some very odd development patterns, shoots where they shouldnt be etc! I had one where the stems were like sticks of celery, seriously. A strain like 'Blueberry' for example is is known to be prone to such mutants. Nothing wrong and wont affect yield, you may just get some odd growth :-)