Great article 420johnny! I remember stumbling upon that article when I first started this flower growing business two years ago and it was extremely helpful for me!
Well it's a bloody weed. I've had it before where i've thrown seeds in the garden to find a plant a few weeks later (during hot and dry summer) that is looking nice and green and healthy. And the best part is it is just sitting in plain old nutrient derived sand.
Now a mate who has studied horticulture would recommend 18/6 light or even 20/4 light. But i mean do what works for you, if you ask me, throwing some seeds in sand has produced bud before just the yield is not as good as using good organic soil, the point is it'll work.
I'm sick of seeing over zealous growers who over fertilize their plants if anything i under fertilize when on a new strain (of any plant im talking about here) then i quickly bump it up if i see deficiencies with foliar sprays , etc. I get better tasting tomatoes for it too by using the right amount of fertilizers.
My soil mix for good quality plant growth of almost any plant:
four bags of high quality potting mix with no fertilizers added
two bags of mushroom compost
two bags of cow shit
two bags of chicken shit
few handfuls of blood n bone
some dynamic lifter
I'm not saying to use it at all, use what works for you, this is what works for me.
I vary the mix depending on what is being grown , sometimes i remove the cow crap as that sometimes is too much for certain plants.
EDIT; if you guys want even better success then SETUP A WORM FARM, buy those packs of 1000 starter worms then feed it all the food scraps then collect the worm castings and juice. Mix this into your soil