Why Legalization should be Stopped! (wait, hear me out!)

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Well-Known Member
post #24 - it's already legal with NO LIMITS. anyone in cali can pretty much get a med card.

Pretty much anyone is not everyone.

I don't know what it's like in Cali, but here in Oregon you need 3 visits with your PCP simply documenting the condition before you can go pay a weed clinic the $150 or so to get a doctor's note. Then you need to go pay $120 or so a year for a card. SO $270 + 3 doctor's visits = $270 + $45 (with health insurance) = $315 to get the card, and $270 each year to renew. Plus the time and hassle. All your 3 visits with the PCP documenting the condition need to be current within 3 years, so throw in another doctor's visit as they lapse. Other states, I'm sure, have MUCH stricter MMJ laws than us west coasters do.

SO easy to get a med card...right.

Plus, my card limits me to 6 flowering of any size and 18 vegetative not more than 1 foot wide/tall/long. This inititiative says nothing about that, it just says 25 square feet. If I end up moving to Cali, even if this fails and I need to get a med card, I will grow in a space like that and post results here just to show how EASY it can be done. And I would store full sized plants, trimmed, dried and cured, in airtight bags somewhere within that 25 sq ft.
ok well you are not from here why don't you work on this bill in yous state. here we get cards by showing up and paying $150 it took me 10 min


New Member
post #47 - most seem to be simply jumping on a pot train, blindly.

I think you've noticed how I've exposed stupidclown and professorpuffntuff as being the ones who are blindly jumping on the pot train. I exposed that neither one of them had actually read the bill and were misrepresenting what was actually in the bill. Speaking of misrepresenting what is actually in the bill...

post #94 - This initiative mandates that 18, 19,and twenty year old minors
serve three to seven year terms in California state prison for
the crime of passing each other a joint or selling one another a
small amount.

These are not actually your words, but posted them as if they were fact. If these are indeed the truth of the initiative, show me. Point to me....what section, article, subsection, subarticle did I miss?


New Member
post #52 - once we vote yes we are owned by the feds.
at this point i'm still undecided.

News flash: feds still own you. Cannabis is still illegal federally, yes or no on this initiative.

post #58 - why the one ounce limit?

Because it is a reasonable amount for most folks. If you need more due to your condition, I have pointed out already you can get it. It is in the initiative.

post #64 - i'm gonna vote yes and just start dealing coke.

I know this was meant as a joke, but it speaks loudly. Many want to keep weed quasi legal because they would have to apply for a license to continue making their livings off it. Not many folks would still buy it from them if they could just go to the local dispensary or do it themselves without getting a med card. Folks have called it greed, I wouldn't quite go that far, but it is close. Laziness, perhaps

post #78 - it is written in such a way that...personal grows will be limited so you will almost be forced to visit a club at some point.

Not if you are half decent at growing, given 25 sq ft. I grow in 10 sq ft and have not bought weed in 6 months. I smoke an ounce a month or more. I am only allowed 6 plants and I live in a small apartment. Anyone who has half a brain can grow enough for personal needs in that kind of space and if they run out, it is better to go to a dispensary to buy then black market.

post #96 - get a vendors license and pay income tax just like everything else. 21 and older, please.

You said this in relation to alcohol, but I think it fits nicely given the previous quotes.


Well-Known Member
ok well you are not from here why don't you work on this bill in yous state. here we get cards by showing up and paying $150 it took me 10 min
Apparently if one does not reside in California, one does not have any business registering an opinion on this particular issue.

Well, like it or not, the effects of this referendum will reverberate across the nation.

Meaning if I have an opinion I do not intend to consult you before I express it.

What makes you think Duke is not working on re-legalization in Oregon?


New Member
post #100 - there are 30 Dr's in town if you need help getting a card.

Again, not everyone has a qualifying condition and why bother with the hassle? Why not just tell everyone, grow your own if you want! Go to the dispensary! Get high just for fun if you want! Just don't share with minors! That is what this initiative does.

post #104 - i'm still undecided.

I'm sure something will change your mind soon.

post #117 - if it passes there will be more smokers than growers. i really don't think the market will change much.

Agreed. So this probably did not change your mind.

post #168 - i need 3 pounds a year. check the math.

3 lbs per year = 1 pound per 4 months = QP per month = oz per week = 1/8 per day
I could EASILY harvest an ounce a week in 25 sq ft.
And as we have already discussed, if you need more, you can get it. It is in the initiative.

post #231 - can't afford it? stop buying it and grow your own. pretty easy. this is a grow forum.

Agreed. It is easy to do, and gardening is fun.


New Member
Apparently if one does not reside in California, one does not have any business registering an opinion on this particular issue.

Well, like it or not, the effects of this referendum will reverberate across the nation.

Meaning if I have an opinion I do not intend to consult you before I express it.

What makes you think Duke is not working on re-legalization in Oregon?
I'm stealing 're-legalization', great way with words. I never thought to put it that way before.


New Member
post #247 - This initiative mandates that 18, 19, and twenty year old minors serve three to seven year terms in California state prison for the crime of passing each other a joint or selling one another a small amount....this reason alone is enough to vote NO.

Please, I beg someone, anyone to show me where in the initiative this is written. I will send an ounce of WMD to the first person that does.

post #293 - if you want to freely grow and smoke pot in cali, simply go see a DR. we do NOT NEED this initiative.

Actually, if you want to freely grow and smoke pot in Cali, passage of this initiative would do it WITHOUT making you go to the doctor and pay $150. That means $150 worth of herb you could be smoking, not to mention gas mileage, time, etc.

And again, what about the folks who DO NOT QUALIFY for mmj?

Too bad for them, I guess.

I guess the message we are sending is that if you smoke pot, there is something wrong with you. Quite literally.



New Member
post #296 - you smoke pot because it alters your mood. you had a reason to need your mood altered. you qualify.

That would not qualify anyone here in Oregon. You folks have it EASY in California (if that is indeed the case, and not exaggeration).

post #298 - meanwhile, richard lee still owes me a book.
i'm voting NO just because the dude burned me.

You MUST be joking...

post #301 - dude used my pics on the promise of rewarding me. he burned me instead and until i get my book, he can fuck himself. i'm VOTING NO.

Nevermind....Californians everywhere yearning to get high thank you. As well as the rest of stoner America, who will be BOMBARDED with the fact that even California did not think legalization was a good idea. Thanks a fucking shit ton for your pettiness


New Member
post #320 - i've stated several reasons, numerous times. all of them valid and most simply ignored by you.

Yawn....asserting something does not make it so.

post #321 - you are making shit up and putting it on me...i simply stated fact. you are wrong. i'm not worried about me. i'm thinking of others

So altruistic.....those others you claim to be thinking about....who are they?

Are they the millions of Californians who you will deny the right to grow and buy their own weed legally?

Are they the hundreds of millions of fellow Americans to whom you will be sending the message: California does not approve of legalizing pot!

Who are you thinking of with your NO vote?

What facts are you stating?

What shit am I making up?



New Member
post #335 - you get caught with ANYTHING over an ounce and you're fucked.

Not according to Section 11304, article (d), subsection (iv), subarticle (c) or Section 11301, article (l)

post #338 - that's a generalized question. it doesn't address a specific initiative. they are simply asking if you feel it should be legal. i feel it should be legal. i would have answered YES.

Good luck convincing Californians that this initiative, the one that allows anyone over 21 to grow or buy weed legally, is not legalization. Good luck spinning that one....


New Member
Outlaw pot growers in California fear legalization

By The Associated Press

March 25, 2010, 7:16PM

Ballot measure
Use: California is one of 14 states that allows people to grow and use marijuana for medical purposes, but recreational use remains illegal. (And will remain illegal under federal law, regardless of how California votes.)

Measure: Under the ballot measure, Californians could possess up to one ounce of marijuana for personal use. They could cultivate gardens up to 25 square feet. City and county governments would have the power to tax pot sales.

In Oregon: In 1973, Oregon became the first state in the nation to decriminalize marijuana, making the sentence for possession of less than an ounce akin to receiving a traffic ticket.

REDWAY, Calif. -- The smell of pot hung heavy in the air as men with dreadlocks and gray beards contemplated a nightmarish possibility in this legendary region of outlaw marijuana growers: legal weed.

If California legalizes marijuana, they say, it will drive down the price of their crop and damage not just their livelihoods but the entire economy along the state's rugged northern coast.

"The legalization of marijuana will be the single most devastating economic event in the long boom-and-bust history of Northern California," said Anna Hamilton, 62, a Humboldt County radio host and musician who said her involvement with marijuana has mostly been limited to smoking it for the past 40 years.

Local residents are so worried that pot farmers came together with officials in Humboldt County for a standing-room-only meeting Tuesday night where civic leaders, activists and growers brainstormed ideas for dealing with the threat. Among the ideas: turning the vast pot gardens of Humboldt County into a destination for marijuana aficionados, with tours and tastings -- a sort of Napa Valley of pot.

Many were also enthusiastic about promoting the Humboldt brand of pot. Some discussed forming a cooperative that would enforce high standards for marijuana and stamp the county's finest weed with an official Humboldt seal of approval.

Pot growers are nervous because a measure that could make California the first state to legalize marijuana for recreational use will appear on the ballot in November. State officials certified Wednesday that the initiative got enough signatures.

The law, if approved, could have a profound effect on Humboldt County, which has long had a reputation for growing some of the world's best weed.

In recent years, law enforcement agents have seized millions of pot plants worth billions of dollars in Humboldt and neighboring counties. And that is believed to be only a fraction of the crop.

"We've lived with the name association for 30 or 40 years and considered it an embarrassment," said Mark Lovelace, a Humboldt County supervisor. But if legalization does happen, he said, the Humboldt County name becomes the region's single most important asset.

"It's laughable at this point to try to be hush-hush about it," he said.

Humboldt County's reputation as a marijuana mecca began in the 1970s. As pot users began to notice a decline in the quality of Mexican weed, refugees from San Francisco's Summer of Love who moved to the forested mountains along California's conveniently remote North Coast began figuring out better ways to grow their own. The Humboldt name soon became a selling point for marijuana sold on street corners across the country.

These days, the small towns in this region about five hours north of San Francisco are dotted with head shops and garden supply stores.

California is one of 14 states that allow people to grow and use marijuana for medical purposes, but recreational use remains illegal. (And will remain illegal under federal law, regardless of how California votes.)

For decades, the outlaws, rebels and aging hippies of Humboldt County have been hoping for legalization. But now that it appears at hand, many clandestine growers fear it will flood the market with cheap, corporate-grown weed and destroy their way of life.

About 20 pot growers gathered on a patio outside the meeting Tuesday to discuss the dilemma posed by legalized pot. Many wore baseball caps and jeans, just like farmers anywhere else in America. No one addressed anyone else by name, a local custom driven by fear of arrest, but that didn't stop some in the group from lighting up their crop.

Many complained that legalization would put them in the same bind as other small farmers struggling to compete against large-scale agribusinesses.

A dreadlocked younger grower who said he had already been to prison for marijuana objected that no one could replicate the quality of the region's weed. When he was a kid, he said, "Humboldt nuggets -- that was like the holy grail."

"Anyone can grow marijuana," he said. "But not everyone can grow the super-heavies, the holy bud."

Under the ballot measure, Californians could possess up to one ounce of marijuana for personal use. They could cultivate gardens up to 25 square feet, which is puny by Humboldt County standards. City and county governments would have the power to tax pot sales.

Some growers Tuesday fantasized about mobs of tourists in limos streaming to the county. Others were not thrilled with the idea of paying taxes on their crop.

Many agreed with the sentiment on a sticker plastered on a pizza joint's cash register: "Save Humboldt County -- keep pot illegal."

--The Associated Press



Well-Known Member
i don't know if i should be flattered or scared. :shock:

crystal meth much?

i read none of it. :sleep:

i'm voting NO, and you fear me because of it. :fire:


~ Out-Dawrz ~ Moderator ~
Sounds like a buncha whiney ass babies bitching because they may not make that extra dollar on weed.
Fuckin get a real job and grow as a hobby. You are why its illegal in the first place if you rely on your next sale to
pay your house note.


Well-Known Member
Sounds like a buncha whiney ass babies bitching because they may not make that extra dollar on weed.
Fuckin get a real job and grow as a hobby. You are why its illegal in the first place if you rely on your next sale to
pay your house note.
what you don't see is; if it becomes legal there will be a higher demand. growers aren't going anywhere and the price will NOT go down. more smokers means more pot. it has to come from somewhere. not everyone grows or wants to grow. some people have money to spend and they happily spend it on bud. :cool:

did you even read the thread?

it's not about the money. and that's NOT why it's illegal. :roll:


New Member
what you don't see is; if it becomes legal there will be a higher demand. growers aren't going anywhere and the price will NOT go down. more smokers means more pot. it has to come from somewhere. not everyone grows or wants to grow. some people have money to spend and they happily spend it on bud. :cool:

did you even read the thread?

it's not about the money. and that's NOT why it's illegal. :roll:
I beg to differ, it is mostly about the money. Let's take a moment and evaluate the real cost/price of pot. Pot is a weed that would grow freely accross the country if left alone. Yes we have the Kansas ditch weed variety, but if you spread some of the heady variety seeds far and wide, I'm pretty sure you could come up with some pretty good "wild" smokable pot. Is there some validity to the pristine growers ability to make more potent pot? well I really don't know. I believe through breeding and growing tecniques there may have been improvements in the breed, Humbolt county comes to mind, But I also remember that those dirt farmers in Panama that grew Panama Red had some wonderful pot, and all they did was water and fertilize. It is the growers that are raising the price of pot, speculators if you may. I used to get 10-15 dollar ounces that would get you a pretty good head, I realize that inflation has brought the price up, but certainly not to the 2500-*3500 bucks a pound level. That is certainly the greedy growers. I would like to hear from the smokers on what they think would be a fair amount to pay for an OZ. Myself, it would certainly be less than 100 bucks. Even at a hundred bucks, that is 1600 bucks a pound, and that is exhorbitant. I think 100.00-250.00 a pound would fit the criteria, afterall, it is just a weed.


Well-Known Member
So you save $150 (a year, I take it) with passage of this initiative but you are still against it?
again i'll say it i don't care about the money. first $150 a year is nothing. and its not about making a living growing, its about freedom to do what i want with my body and my weed. if someone comes up to me on the street and asks to buy a cig, (it happens alot here) i can sell them one with out fear of jail, but if they ask to buy a joint i could be done for.
i know you just want the first thing they offer you baja but i want real change this is not it, unless the bill is better than the 215 we have now why would i vote for it? we can buy weed if we want now, so this does nothing but save money on a card. i'll hold out for something better than we have now not aprove something worse


Well-Known Member
I beg to differ, it is mostly about the money. Let's take a moment and evaluate the real cost/price of pot. Pot is a weed that would grow freely accross the country if left alone. Yes we have the Kansas ditch weed variety, but if you spread some of the heady variety seeds far and wide, I'm pretty sure you could come up with some pretty good "wild" smokable pot. Is there some validity to the pristine growers ability to make more potent pot? well I really don't know. I believe through breeding and growing tecniques there may have been improvements in the breed, Humbolt county comes to mind, But I also remember that those dirt farmers in Panama that grew Panama Red had some wonderful pot, and all they did was water and fertilize. It is the growers that are raising the price of pot, speculators if you may. I used to get 10-15 dollar ounces that would get you a pretty good head, I realize that inflation has brought the price up, but certainly not to the 2500-*3500 bucks a pound level. That is certainly the greedy growers. I would like to hear from the smokers on what they think would be a fair amount to pay for an OZ. Myself, it would certainly be less than 100 bucks. Even at a hundred bucks, that is 1600 bucks a pound, and that is exhorbitant. I think 100.00-250.00 a pound would fit the criteria, afterall, it is just a weed.
that is a joke right? $100 lb? it costs more than that to grow, sure if you want a pound for $100 go to mexico and buy schwag good buds cost more to grow so they cost more. yes 3000 is alot, yes its because of greed. is greed going to be less somehow when its legal? you won't see prices below 2000 2500 unless its legal nation wide and tobacco companies start growing. good growers make a living growing if they didn't make money why would they grow? sure they would still grow for themselves but if the price goes down to far alot of great growers would quit and we would lose the chance to smoke their great strains


Well-Known Member
I beg to differ, it is mostly about the money. Let's take a moment and evaluate the real cost/price of pot. Pot is a weed that would grow freely accross the country if left alone. Yes we have the Kansas ditch weed variety, but if you spread some of the heady variety seeds far and wide, I'm pretty sure you could come up with some pretty good "wild" smokable pot. Is there some validity to the pristine growers ability to make more potent pot? well I really don't know. I believe through breeding and growing tecniques there may have been improvements in the breed, Humbolt county comes to mind, But I also remember that those dirt farmers in Panama that grew Panama Red had some wonderful pot, and all they did was water and fertilize. It is the growers that are raising the price of pot, speculators if you may. I used to get 10-15 dollar ounces that would get you a pretty good head, I realize that inflation has brought the price up, but certainly not to the 2500-*3500 bucks a pound level. That is certainly the greedy growers. I would like to hear from the smokers on what they think would be a fair amount to pay for an OZ. Myself, it would certainly be less than 100 bucks. Even at a hundred bucks, that is 1600 bucks a pound, and that is exhorbitant. I think 100.00-250.00 a pound would fit the criteria, afterall, it is just a weed.

let me clarify:

the initiative IS about money.
my vote is not based on the money aspect, but on many other things that go with it.
two different topics.


New Member
let me clarify:

the initiative IS about money.
my vote is not based on the money aspect, but on many other things that go with it.
two different topics.
Uhhh, aren't you a grower? wouldn't you stand to lose money if the iniative passed? I think you are being less than honest. As a grower I'm pretty sure you oppose the bill on monetary terms as well as all your high minded ones. The guy that said people should get a real job and grow as a hobby was right on the money. If you are getting 2000.00 or more for a pound of pot, you are part of the problem.
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